My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5207 5207 This is the true strength of the envoy!

The next moment, the palm shadow containing the powerful holy energy of the emperor hit the giant fist of the Sacred Heart Puppet heavily, and also hit them at the same time! There was a loud noise like thunder, the ground shook, and the entire ice palace was shaking violently.

The chaotic air flow spread out in all directions, and Gu Fenghua and others were shocked and took a few steps back. However, the six Sacred Heart puppets still stood firmly in place.

"Enter them!" Fulong Xin yelled.

"Buzz..." The six Sacred Heart puppets reached behind their backs and pulled out their long swords at the same time, and then divided into three groups, two in each group, and rushed towards Shangguan Haochen and others.

This Sacred Heart Puppet is more than three feet tall. It is made of fine gold and mithril from top to bottom, inside and out. Even the long sword is two feet long and several feet wide. Together, it may weigh as much as Thousands of catties. Every time they take a step, the ground will sink deeply, and the ice palace will tremble violently.

However, their movements were extremely fast, and the swords in their hands were slightly raised, showing a calmness and aura only seen by strong men, as if they were alive.

"Fight quickly, don't hold anything back." Shangguan Haochen shouted.

The Sacred Heart puppets in front of them were stronger than those they had seen tens of thousands of years ago. They were obviously the result of Fulong Xin's tens of thousands of years of hard work. He also put away his previous contempt for them.

"Choke..." As the dragon roared, several people actually pulled out their long swords at the same time.

In fact, with their cultivation, it is not difficult to destroy these Sacred Heart puppets, it just takes a little more time. However, they also sensed the restrictions of heaven and earth beyond the fire, and felt uneasy.

How powerful should a divine weapon be that can make even kings and envoys feel uneasy?

The long sword was slashed out, and the sword light shot up in the sky. The giant sword in the hand of the Sacred Heart Puppet was also slashed out at the same time.

On the surface, the swords of both sides are simple and unpretentious, but with the eyesight of Gu Fenghua and others, they can still barely see that the sword skills of the three monarchs and the six Sacred Heart puppets are They are all ever-changing and wonderful.

The two sides were only a few feet apart, and the long swords were slashed in the air. The distance was no more than a few feet away at most. However, within this few feet, the sword styles of both sides changed at least a thousand times. If his sword skills were a little weaker, he would be hit by the opponent's sword.

Looking at the tall body of the Sacred Heart Puppet, which was three feet tall and made entirely of fine gold and mithril, Gu Fenghua guessed that even the emperor would not feel comfortable if he was struck head-on by the giant sword. Of course, with the powerful strength of the emperor, if he kills the Sacred Heart puppet with one sword without any hindrance, the opponent may not be able to withstand it.

Closer, closer, almost in the blink of an eye, the sword lights met in the air. Although the sword skills of both sides were ever-changing, in the end, they still cut each other fiercely.

"Boom!" The powerful holy energy at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint collided violently with the spiritual power of the artifact. It was like thunder falling from the sky, and the ice palace was filled with brilliant light.

The air currents surged, and the ice palace barrier rippled with water patterns. However, even with the protection of the barrier, the strong airflow still made cracks on the ice palace wall that were several feet deep.

Gu Fenghua and others had already known about Jun Envoy's strength and had been prepared for it. While raising their swords to slash, they used their holy energy to build a shield in front of them. However, even so, they were still shaken by the chaotic air flow. He retreated continuously until he reached the palace gate, leaning his back firmly against the cold wall, and then managed to steady himself.

It turns out that this is the true strength of the envoy! It turns out that this Sacred Heart puppet is so powerful. The expressions of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen changed slightly.

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