My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5217 5217 I laugh at you for being blind.

Gu Fenghua and the others have such strength at such a young age. They will definitely not be any weaker in their cultivation techniques, and they will definitely not lack cultivation resources. Therefore, he is not going to impress them with the way of holy cultivation, but chooses his most prestigious The art of refining weapons.

I think back then, his reputation as a generation of magical wizards was spread all over the world. Even after he faked his death and escaped for thousands of years, everyone in Wuji Holy Heaven still knew about his reputation as Fulongxin. In a sense, his His reputation even surpassed that of his younger brother, Gongye Longzhu, the first-generation weapon master. Although Gongye Longzhu is known as the Master of Weapons, he has only refined a few artifacts throughout his life, and none of them can surpass the Sacred Heart Puppet he personally refined.

Fulong Xin believed that even if it was not for his reputation as Fulong Xin, but for the refining skills of the Sacred Heart Puppet, Gu Fenghua and the others would never be able to refuse such an offer.

Unfortunately, this time he was wrong, completely wrong.

"Pfft!" As soon as Fulong Xin finished speaking, Luo Enen couldn't help laughing.

With Feng Hua's weapon refining skills, he didn't think he was too embarrassed if he still needed to learn some weapon refining skills from him. Did he really think that his Sacred Heart Puppet was so great? Feng Hua could even refine such a terrifying Cloud-crossing Flying Boat, and it was not easy to refine just a few fine gold puppets, but she just couldn't be ruthless.

In Miss Luo's mind, the more powerful the magic weapon (or artifact), the more terrifying it is. And so far, among all the artifacts she has seen, the most terrifying one is undoubtedly the Duan that Gu Fenghua personally refined. Yun Feizhou, this is enough to prove her extraordinary and unparalleled attainments in martial arts.

"Why are you laughing?" Fulong Xin asked, his face darkening.

"I laugh at you for being ignorant and having the nerve to show off your weapon refining skills in front of Fenghua. As for your useless weapon refining skills, you should save them for coffin padding. We don't care about it." Luo Enen said with a look of contempt. .

"Seeking death!" Fulong Xin was furious.

Although he has the ninth-level cultivation of Emperor Saint, what he is most proud of in his life is the art of weapon refining. His greatest wish in life is to surpass Gongye Longzhu and regain his reputation as the supreme weapon master. Nowadays, the skill of weapon refining, which he is most proud of, is so despised by Luo Enen. It is strange that he is not angry.

In anger, Fulong Xin's face turned red, and he really wanted to slap this sharp-tongued girl into a pulp.

"Are you almost recovered?" Before he could take action, Gu Fenghua raised his sword again and asked Luo Enen and others in a low voice.

The reason why she had not taken action was because Luo Enen and others had suffered a severe loss of holy energy before, and she was worried that they had not yet fully recovered. In fact, the combined sword attack just now did not exert its strongest power, otherwise Fulong Xin would never have been able to stand in front of them and show off his weapon refining skills.

"Almost." Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and others replied in unison.

Of course, they could not fully recover in such a short period of time, but they had recovered to a small extent, and there was no problem in using the concentrated sword attack. Just now, it was just because Fulong Xin struck too quickly and they did not have enough time to prepare, so they were unable to exert the true power of that sword.

At this time, taking advantage of Fulong Xin's words, they tried their best to raise their holy energy, believing that even if they could not maximize the power of the sword, they would not be too far behind.

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