My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5220 5220 Don’t listen to his nonsense

Fortunately, he escaped this time, and Fulong Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief - obviously, he forgot one thing. This is not an ice wilderness, but a ruined ice palace. No matter how empty it is, the internal space is still limited after all. of.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Fulong Xin hit the ice wall heavily, and a cold chill came from his back.

"Not good!" At the same time, an even colder chill grew in his heart.

Huge power, following the sword light, surged like a tsunami and struck hard on the long sword he held in front of him. Fulong Xin felt his body sink, and all the bones in his body seemed to be crushed to pieces. Generally, the internal organs and meridians were also shattered, and a mouthful of blood spurted out again.

"They, how did they do it?" I thought that with the strength of Gu Fenghua and others, such sword power could only be used with one sword, but I didn't expect that the three consecutive sword cuts were all at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint. Fulong Xin looked at Gu Fenghua and the others opposite in horror, the hand holding the sword trembling violently.

The only good thing is that after three sword strikes, Gu Fenghua and the others finally stopped temporarily.

"It seems that with their strength, such combined fencing skills can only be used with three swords at most. After three swords, they are still revealed." Fulong Xin finally had a chance to take a breath and thought happily.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed again.

With the cultivation levels of Gu Fenghua and others, it is indeed impossible to cast that concentrated sword endlessly, but it is absolutely impossible to only have three swords. However, because Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse , Fang Tianyou and others had lost too much holy energy before, so they had to rest for a while. However, with three or even four innate Holy Spirit roots in their bodies, their Holy Qi recovery speed far exceeded Fulong Xin's imagination.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

Just a moment later, the clear shouts of Gu Fenghua and others sounded at the same time like a reminder. Five sword lights were slashed out, and they quickly condensed into one, blooming with dazzling divine light. At the same time, they also released the power of the ninth-level Emperor Saint. The power of vastness.

Again! Fulong Xin was so frightened that he almost dropped his sword to the ground. Even if he had the cultivation level of the mid-level ninth-grade Emperor Saint, he wouldn't be able to hold on for a few seconds under such sword power.

No, I have been searching for tens of thousands of years to find this artifact. I can't just die in the hands of a few juniors, absolutely not!

"Stop, only I can conquer this artifact. If you kill me, you will definitely die! As long as..." Fu Longxin did not dare to hesitate and said quickly towards Gu Fenghua and others.

Hearing Fulong Xin's words, Luo Enen and Ye Wuse hesitated slightly.

They also felt the destructive aura in the weapon fire, and could somewhat imagine how powerful and terrifying this artifact was. Although Feng Hua's weapon skills are extraordinary, he may not be inferior to Fulong Xin, but after all, he has just found this ancient ruins and knows nothing about this artifact. It may be difficult to conquer it in a hurry. Fulong Xin obviously put a lot of effort into this artifact, and maybe he was the only one who could conquer it.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. If the artifact falls into his hands, we will definitely die. Kill him!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua shouted in a deep voice.

Although they have the upper hand now, Gu Feng knows very well that Luo Enen and the others will never be able to hold on for too long. There will always be a moment when the holy energy is exhausted. Even she herself cannot hold on like this forever. Therefore, Fulong Xin must not be given any chance to turn around.

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