My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5222 5222 Clearly just to put money on his face

The wall behind Fulong Xin was shaken into a pit. The thin figure was stuck in the pit and could not get out. He was vomiting blood in large mouthfuls. The meridians on his body were broken and thin blood oozed out, covering his body. The clothes were soaked in blood.

Behind him, Li Lie had completely fallen into a state of sluggishness.

I originally thought that with my own strength, even if I were to challenge a group of Gu Fenghua and others, I would not have no chance of winning. But when he saw the scene in front of him, he realized that he had completely overestimated himself. This sword from the ninth-grade Emperor Saint was something that he, an eighth-grade Emperor Saint, could not withstand. With just one sword, Gu Fenghua and others could kill him, and even make him shatter into pieces and die without a burial place. .

He finally understood that when Gu Fenghua asked him to accept the Nine-Yang Emperor Meridian Pill, he said something like "This old man is too strong and we are no match for him." It was clearly just to put gold on his face and make him feel at ease. .

Gratitude, shame, all kinds of emotions came to mind, and Li Lie felt ashamed.

"Rumble!" Several dull sounds suddenly came from the side.

The three Sacred Heart puppets were either shattered by the core array, or exhausted the power of the weapon spirit, and finally collapsed. The remaining three Sacred Heart puppets were already scarred. At this time, they could not hold on for long if they were to deal with the three envoys alone, and they soon fell down.

Gu Fenghua and others looked out of the corner of their eyes and finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

Because the training of weapon refiners is more difficult and the progress is slower, under the same cultivation level, they often lay a stronger foundation than ordinary saint masters. This is clearly reflected in Fulong Xin.

Although the old man was seriously injured under their stormy and continuous attacks, he never lost his life. This tenacious vitality is probably not inferior to any emperor's, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he can't be beaten to death by Xiaoqiang.

They continued to use all their strength, but their own holy energy was consumed rapidly, and they could no longer hold on. Fortunately, Shangguan Haochen and others finally got rid of the entanglement of the six Sacred Heart puppets, and they could finally take a breath.

They were relieved, but when they saw the last three Sacred Heart puppets crashing down, Fulong Xin's expression changed drastically.

I originally thought that I could hold on until Gu Fenghua and others ran out of holy energy, but I didn't expect that after holding on and holding on, Gu Fenghua and others were still fine, but the six Sacred Heart puppets fell one after another.

Faced with the combined sword blows of Gu Fenghua and others, he could still hold on and hold on to a glimmer of hope, but when Shangguan Haochen and others freed their hands, he knew what the result would be without even thinking about it. That was not just a powerful man at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, but a terrifying existence beyond the peak.

"Ah..." Fulong Xin did not dare to delay any longer. At the moment when the last Sacred Heart puppet fell, he suddenly let out a long roar and rushed out in the face of the focused swords of Gu Fenghua and others.

"Ka!" The sword light fell, and the long sword in Fulong Xin's hand was shattered. The next moment, the right arm holding the long sword was also broken at shoulder level, and another spray of blood sprayed out.

After losing a protective holy sword and breaking an arm, Fulong Xin finally escaped from the sword light, endured the pain and rushed towards the weapon fire in the center of the ice palace.

Gu Fenghua and others never expected that Fulong Xin would have such a strong man's determination to cut off his wrist. When he tried to pull back his sword and cut again, it was already too late.

Shangguan Haochen, Li Canyang, and Nie Shitian obviously did not expect Fulong Xin to be so determined. Although they flew to stop him, they were half a step too slow.

However, everyone was not too worried as they watched Fulong Xin fly into the weapon fire.

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