My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5224 5224 Escape as far as you can!

With this sword strike, several people used all their strength, and even Shangguan Haochen's face and hands had thin streaks of blood oozing out. The light and shadow were distorted, and the space was torn apart again. The three sword rays broke away from the constraints of time and space and struck straight into the world-destroying purple dust.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the purple dust exploded and turned into nothingness, but the three sword lights also dissipated between the sky and the earth at the same time.

Fortunately, the strength of the three envoys did not disappoint anyone. Gu Fenghua and others breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that their backs were soaked with cold sweat in just a few breaths.

There was no way, this was the world-destroying Zichen who almost destroyed the entire Wuji Holy Heaven and the Tianji Continent. How could they not feel any pressure.

"Hurry up and seal the barrier!" But before their hearts settled, they heard the three envoys shouting in unison.

Their voices were so anxious, even slightly trembling.

fear! In this trembling, Gu Fenghua and others clearly felt the meaning of fear.

How is this possible? They are the top experts in Wuji Holy Sky, especially Shangguan Haochen. He is the strongest expert in Wuji Holy Sky besides the three great saints. Even Mie Shi Zichen couldn't possibly make him so scared, right?

Shocked, Gu Fenghua and others subconsciously looked at the weapon fire. The next moment, everyone's eyes suddenly widened.

The weapon fire was separated, and what was hidden inside turned out to be a huge gourd about two feet high. I don't know what kind of material this gourd was carved or refined from. The purple light flowing all over the body was as crystal clear as jade, and through the translucent Looking in from the outer wall, I saw a shirtless man sitting cross-legged.

Although compared with the real gourd, this gourd carved from purple jade is much larger, but it cannot accommodate an adult man. This figure is obviously just a soul. However, this spirit remained motionless, its cheeks as sharp as a knife and axe, and its angular facial features were so clear, and there was no trace of the ethereal and ethereal feeling of the spirit. It was completely the same as a real person.

The most important thing is that although this divine soul is placed in the purple jade gourd, it gives people the feeling of being integrated, like a spirit. Isn't it a divine weapon created by heaven and earth? How could there be a humanoid weapon spirit?

Seeing this scene, let alone others, even Gu Fenghua, who was proficient in weapon refining, was full of doubts and felt extremely strange.

Suddenly, the soul opened its eyes, and its cold and empty gaze stared directly at him. Everyone's hearts and souls were shocked, as if being dragged into the endless void and endless darkness by an invisible big hand.

The entire ice palace was filled with deathly silence, as if time, space, and everything in the world were frozen.

"Let's go!" Shangguan Haochen shouted again, and at the same time he flew towards the purple jade gourd and slashed with his sword.

Gu Fenghua and others woke up immediately as if they had been given a wake-up call. Thinking back to the situation just now, they were still frightened and broke into a cold sweat again. Not daring to think too much, everyone turned and rushed towards the ice palace gate.

Although they don’t know what the so-called Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd is, let alone what the divine soul in the gourd is, everyone knows one thing. With their strength, they can never be the opponent of this gourd. , staying will only become a burden.

"Let's go, ignore the barrier, and run as far as you can!" Soon, Gu Fenghua and others rushed to the entrance of the Ice Palace, and were about to leave when Li Canyang's shouts came again in their ears.

"Master, where are you?" Upon hearing this, Chu Qingxuan and Li Lie were startled at the same time, stopped and turned around to ask.

Gu Fenghua also froze. Originally, I thought that Shangguan Haochen asked them to leave because the purple jade gourd was too powerful and he was afraid of accidentally hurting his own people. They left so that they could take action with peace of mind and asked them to close the barrier to prevent unintended consequences. But when she heard Li Canyang's words, she suddenly realized that things were not that simple. It seemed that none of the envoys had the confidence to destroy the purple jade gourd.

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