My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5226 5226 She still couldn’t help but be in awe

"Wushang, let's go!" Nie Shitian's face was no longer as cold and ruthless as before. He turned his head and shouted to Wushang anxiously.

Although this disciple has been around for the shortest time, he values ​​him the most. Even though he suffered a tragic defeat at the hands of Gu Fenghua and others last time, he still has high hopes for him and regards him as the successor of his mantle. He is absolutely unwilling to see him die here. Among the ruins.

"You guys should leave too." Shangguan Haochen also looked at Gu Fenghua and others and shouted in a deep voice.

Compared to the anxiety of Li Canyang and Nie Shitian, his voice was much calmer, but it also had a determination to move forward without hesitation and survive.

Before they finished speaking, the three envoys flew up again, either sacrificing their divine weapons or swinging their long swords, and rushed towards the Nine Heavens Destruction Gourd without hesitation.

"Let's go!" At the same time, Li Lie grabbed Chu Qingxuan's arm and rushed out of the ice palace gate.

However, Chu Qingxuan violently threw away his palm, her feet were firmly nailed to the ground, and she refused to move even half a step.

"Junior sister, don't be willful!" Li Lie scolded angrily and urgently.

"Brother, let's go. Master has treated me with great kindness. I can never leave Master and escape alone." Chu Qingxuan said firmly.

Li Lie suddenly became angry. His master was so kind to him. If it weren't for his master's orders, how could he be willing to leave his master and escape alone? Although Chu Qingxuan's words were not directed at him, they were like a sharp knife piercing his heart, leaving him in a dilemma.

Smiling bitterly, Li Lie looked at Gu Fenghua, Xiang Wushang and the others again.

"I can't leave my master and escape alone." Xiang Wushang didn't seem to see his gaze and just said to himself. Although his expression and tone were as calm as ever, his eyes were as resolute as ever.

"Even if we have to leave, we still have to try the power of the Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd. If we just run away without a fight, we may not be able to feel at ease in our lives." Gu Fenghua said calmly.

She wasn't sure what Li Lie and the others were thinking, but she knew herself, as well as Luo Enen, Ye Wuse, Bai Fatty and Fang Tianyou. She knew that if they did nothing and just left their companions to escape alone, Neither she nor they would ever be at peace. Yes, at this moment, Shangguan Haochen and the others are not only envoys of the emperor, nor just seniors, but also their companions in life and death.

If she had some grudges against Li Canyang and Nie Shitian before, then seeing their actions at this time, all the grudges disappeared.

She knew that with the strength of these three envoys, they could escape from the ancient ruins, and even escape to heaven with them without any difficulty, but they chose to stay. Their only purpose in doing this is to do their best to destroy the Jiutian World-Destroying Gourd and prevent disaster from coming to Wuji Holy Heaven again. For this reason, they even risked their lives.

Although the fierce and cruel Yang must be repaid with cruelty, his reputation among the Eighteen Lords and Envoys is not very good. Nie Shitian is even more notorious for his vicious methods. Even Shangguan Haochen, the leader of the Eighteen Lords and Envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven, is not famous for his temperament. He was criticized for being overbearing and domineering (in fact, Gu Fenghua had witnessed his outrageous shamelessness), but now that she realized their painstaking efforts, she couldn't help but be in awe. How could she just do nothing? Escape alone like this and leave them to die?

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