However, do artifacts also know how to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune? What kind of magic weapon is this? It’s almost ready! Gu Fenghua no longer cared about the golden needle piercing the soul. With a thought, he threw the golden needle back to the space bracelet, then held the long sword tightly and slashed out.

It's a long story, but from the moment when the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd burst out of the heaven and earth weapon fire to when she threw the needle and held the sword and then to the long sword slashing out, it was just a matter of lightning and stone fire, as fast as the Zitian World-Destroying Gourd started. At the same time, she had already prepared a long slash with her sword.

Gu Fenghua was fast, several envoys were even faster, and even Luo Enen and others were not slowed down much.

In an instant, streaks of sword light fell like lightning, intertwining a sword net in mid-air, and finally, like thousands of rivers returning to the sea, they slashed hard on the gourd carved like purple jade.

"Crack!" In the cracking sound, the crack on the gourd expanded again, and the thin cracks spread like a spider web.

Got it! If it had been a moment ago, everyone would have been happy with such a result, but at this time, no one was happy.

Fast, too fast! Although this time everyone's concerted attack finally caused a lot of damage to the Jiutian World-Destroying Gourd, they still failed to destroy it, let alone stop its power from soaring to the sky. In just the blink of an eye, the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd turned into a stream of purple jade light, flew to the dome of the Ice Palace, and was about to rush out of the Ice Palace. The worst thing is that the Ice Palace Barrier actually opened on its own at this moment. It is just pure ice, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to block such an artifact.

Shangguan Haochen and others followed closely and flew up, chasing after them like a shooting star chasing the moon, but they were obviously too late.

It’s over! In the end, he still failed to stop the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd! All of a sudden, the faces of several of the envoys were ashen.

"Buzz..." At this moment, a pleasant buzz sounded in the air. On the dome of the Ice Palace, an alchemy furnace appeared out of thin air, right in front of the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd.

"Demon Wood Cauldron!" Luo Enen and others cheered in surprise, and Gu Fenghua's eyes also lit up.

Last time in Xuangang Sect, with the help of the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone and the Eight Desolate Emperor Sands, Gu Fenghua finally tempered the Demon Wood Cauldron again, but Gui Yezi did not leave. Originally, Gu Fenghua was a little worried that the tempering had failed, and the hidden dangers of the Demonic Wood Cauldron were still not eliminated. Later, after hearing Gui Yezi talk about it, he realized that these two strange stones from the sky had another mystery. If he understood it, the Demonic Wood Cauldron's The level must be improved further, and Gui Yezi stayed for this purpose.

Could it be that Gui Yezi has succeeded!

However, even if Gui Yezi really succeeds in comprehending the secrets of those two extraordinary stones, if the Demonic Wood Cauldron reaches a higher level, will he be able to stop the Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd? What will be the result if it fails?

With this thought in mind, the surprise on several people's faces quickly disappeared, and they all looked worried.

Facts have proved that they underestimated the two extraordinary stones, and even more so the Demonic Wood Cauldron, which was tempered by these two extraordinary stones.

Amidst the sharp whistling sound, the Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd was like a stream of purple jade, arriving half a foot below the Demonic Wood Cauldron. Purple rays of light shot out like sword energy, releasing destructive power, as if blocking the Everything in front of it will be crushed into powder and turned into nothingness.

The hearts of Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others were in their throats, as if they were about to fly out of their mouths. A thin layer of sweat broke out on the palms of Shangguan Haochen and others holding swords.

"Buzz..." Just when they were on tenterhooks, the demon wood cauldron once again made a sweet buzzing sound like a fairy sound. The furnace lid opened on its own, and thousands of rays of rays of light fell down.

In an instant, time stopped.

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