My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5256 5256 Of course I won’t choose anyone.

"Stop!" At this moment, the three envoys shouted loudly at the same time, blocking Xie Youran's body and Gu Fenghua's spiritual thoughts.

"Seniors, is there something wrong?" Gu Fenghua quickly stopped and asked in confusion.

"Not only is it inappropriate, if you do this, he will really be dead." Shangguan Haochen shook his head and said, "I didn't expect you to cultivate into the Pure Land of the Spiritual Heart. No wonder you have such cultivation at such a young age. . However, the pure land of the spiritual heart is basically one with your heart, soul and soul. It would be good if it is used to cultivate exotic flowers and plants. Demonic beasts can also enter it occasionally, but if a human saint master is placed there, in a moment, your The Holy Spirit root will turn into the original power and be absorbed and refined by his Holy Spirit root. Or his Holy Spirit root will turn into the original power and be absorbed and refined by you. Which one do you choose?"

No need to ask, of course Gu Fenghua would not choose any of them.

Fortunately, Shangguan Haochen and the others haven't left yet, otherwise I would have made a big mistake accidentally! Gu Fenghua was frightened for a while.

"Then what should we do?" Luo Enen said distressedly. I was also scared in my heart, after all, it was her who came up with this bad idea.

God knows what to do? Gu Fenghua and the others looked at each other with sad faces, unable to do anything.

"Take this." At this time, Li Canyang took out an object shaped like a wood carving and handed it to Gu Fenghua preciously.

"What is this?" Gu Fenghua asked curiously.

If you look closely, you will see that this wooden sculpture is like a huge melon seed. There is nothing unusual about it except that it is big, but it is cool and clear when you hold it, like wood, gold and jade. Even with her attainments in weaponry, she couldn't tell what material it was made of.

Out of curiosity, Gu Fenghua concentrated her thoughts and went to investigate. Immediately, she noticed an extremely pure vitality. This vitality is not surging, but it is long and endless, as if it is endless. There is an ancient and vast atmosphere in it, as if it has experienced hundreds of millions of years.

"It is probably some kind of ancient sacred tree species. I have thought about cultivating it. Unfortunately, it is probably because of the insufficient spiritual energy of Wuji Holy Sky. It cannot sprout. However, after repeated attempts, I found that the vitality in it is endless. Jue, with this tree species, even if your friend is put into the storage bracelet, he will be safe." Li Canyang said.

"Thank you, Senior Li. This tree species is too precious. When we rescue Youran, the original tree will be returned without any damage." Gu Fenghua was overjoyed, bowed deeply, and said gratefully to Li Canyang.

"No need, this tree has been in my hands for tens of thousands of years, but I have never figured out what kind of sacred tree it is. This is also a great regret in my life. If you can really go to the Supreme Heaven, you should be able to help me Once I have solved the mystery and told you when I come back, I will be satisfied and have no regrets in this life." Li Canyang said with a smile.

"Senior, don't worry. If I can find the answer, I will definitely inform you." Gu Fenghua said solemnly.

She could see that Li Canyang's words were not meant to be polite to her, but really came from the bottom of his heart. Thinking about it, at their age, with such cultivation and status, there really aren't many things they can regret. If you can solve the doubts that have been buried in your heart for tens of thousands of years, it will indeed be more meaningful than leaving the tree seeds around.

Leaning down, Gu Fenghua placed the tree seed on Xie Youran's chest. Immediately, the seemingly ordinary tree species emitted a soft jade light, like a thin cocoon, completely wrapping Xie Youran in it. Soaked in the continuous vitality, Xie Youran's translucent face became a little more rosy.

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