My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5266 5266 This time it’s not about anger

"No." Gu Fenghua replied.

Although her expression remained calm, there was a sense of powerlessness in her voice. If this formation were right in front of her, no matter how sophisticated and complicated it was, she would have the confidence to break it. But now, she could only vaguely capture a trace of the formation's energy, but she couldn't find the location of the formation. How to break?

"How about we just go down and try." Luo Enen looked at the bottomless abyss below and said through gritted teeth.

"You don't want your life!" Liu Sanjue was startled and said with a look of horror on his face.

"You can't just let others take Qian Qiuxue, right?" Luo Enen said angrily.

"If it really doesn't work, we can only give it a try." Ye Wuse said.

"Then give it a try." Fatty Bai and Fang Tianyou also agreed in unison. It was rare that several people unanimously agreed with Miss Luo's "bad idea".

Of course they knew that Luo Enen was not out of anger this time, but had to fight to the death for Xie Youran.

Although it was not certain that Xie Youran could be rescued by obtaining Qian Qiuxue, three of the extraordinary treasures from the outer world had already fallen into the hands of Gu Fenghua. When she was on the Duyun Feizhou, she had personally tried it and was sure that the three extraordinary treasures from the outer world were of no use to her. Xie Youran didn't help at all. Then hope can only be placed on the remaining two extraordinary treasures.

Just as Gu Fenghua thought, even if there was only a chance, they would never give up, and how could they let Qian Qiuxue fall into the hands of others.

"I know you are anxious, but this abyss is difficult even for your Majesty to cross, so you must think twice before proceeding." Liu Sanjue advised earnestly.

The ghost dragon next to his feet was trembling with fear. It had entered the abyss and understood the horror of the turbulent wind.

"We have no choice." Ye Wuse said calmly, his eyes firm and decisive.

If no one else gets there first, they can still think of a way slowly, but now not only does someone take the lead, but they also have such a sophisticated formation that even Gu Fenghua can't do anything about, which shows that this person is definitely not weak, and they must not delay any longer. Go down.

"Yes, we have no other choice." Fatty Bai, Fang Tianyou, and Luo Enen also said the same, with the same firm and decisive expressions.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade them, Liu Sanjue could only look at Gu Fenghua helplessly. Now, only Gu Fenghua can stop them. But will she really stop it? Liu Sanjue smiled bitterly, not sure at all.

What surprised him was that Gu Fenghua didn't speak, but had a very strange look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were waiting for Gu Fenghua to make up his mind, and they were also confused when they saw this.

"Don't worry, there is still a way." Gu Fenghua suddenly waved his hand, raised his head, used the starlight to identify the direction, turned around and walked towards the snow mountain.

Luo Enen and others clearly saw that at the moment she waved her hand, a jade light quietly dispersed.

It's a messenger talisman! At this time, who would send her the news, and what would they say? Everyone was even more confused.

Just when they were confused, Gu Fenghua was already walking in another direction. Her speed is not fast, and she seems to have no structure. She just walks around randomly, but if you look closely, you will find that it is not that simple.

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