The criss-crossing turbulent winds continued to fall on them, and the protective air shield was broken again and again, turning into streams of light, like meteors streaking across the sky.

Finally, when the last mountain peak at your feet disappeared quietly as if it had disappeared into another space, an ancient and desolate land appeared in the depths of the abyss.

"Shattered space!" Gu Fenghua and others' eyes lit up at the same time.

This land was so similar to the broken space they were in when they rescued Mo Qingqiu and others. Not only was it the same ancient desolation, but even the aura coming from afar was also incomplete.

They can be sure that this is also a broken space, and Qian Qiuxue must be hidden in this broken space!

Before Gu Fenghua could speak, everyone flew out again. This time the distance was longer, and the broken space was almost several miles away. If it weren't for its large size, it would have been difficult to find it. Everyone had condensed the holy energy to the limit.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Explosions sounded one after another, and the dissipated holy energy radiated in all directions, like fireworks in full bloom.

Finally, after passing through the chaotic turbulent wind, Gu Fenghua arrived at the ancient and broken land. When he landed, he staggered forward several steps before barely steadying his body.

Luo Enen and others were even more unbearable. They couldn't hold back their momentum and rushed forward far away. Finally, their feet fell softly and they fell to the ground.

Although based on their cultivation, they do not need to consume much holy energy to condense the air shield, but they fly over the abyss again and again, and the air shield bursts out again and again. It is difficult for even the emperor to hold on, let alone Not to mention them.

At this time, more than half of the holy energy in everyone's bodies had been consumed, and there was a feeling of emptiness in their bodies. Fang Tianyou and Liu Sanjue's bodies had streaks of bright red blood oozing out.

This was all thanks to Gu Fenghua's help at several critical moments. Otherwise, with the strength of the two of them, it would be difficult for them to reach this broken space alive. Even if they were lucky enough to succeed, they would definitely be seriously injured.

The ghost dragon said that it had experienced nine deaths before it found this hiding place, but it was not just a lie. After all, its strength was limited at that time. If it had not relied on the powerful defense of the Ghost Dragon Clan that was far superior to other monsters, it would have been dead and had no chance of survival.

"Found it, it must be here. Let the ghost dragon come out and see if it is here?" However, they ignored the fatigue rising in their bodies. Before they could catch their breath, Luo Enen said He jumped up and said excitedly.

"Yes, that's right, right here." Gui Jiao hid in the Bahuang Demon Suppressing Map along the way, but it was easy. With the help of the artifact, it could also absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the outside world, and the power of the demon spirits was also restored a lot. Hearing Luo Enen's words, it immediately jumped out and looked at the surrounding scenery and said excitedly.

As it spoke, it moved its claws, twisted its clumsy body, and led everyone to quickly crawl toward the depths of the broken space.

"Stop!" At this moment, a dark shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and two old men suddenly stood in front of him and shouted sharply with a guarded look on his face.

The ghost dragon who was running at the front stopped quickly, and Luo Enen also stabilized his figure and pressed his fingers on the hilt of the sword. Gu Fenghua and others also quickly stepped forward and stood side by side with her.

If they had known that someone would get there first, they would not be surprised to see these two old men. But when the two old men saw their faces clearly, they looked surprised.

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