My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5281 5281 Keep entangled like this

The strong wind suddenly rose, like a huge tornado that ravaged the world, and even the powerful sword light of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint was involved in it.

"Boom!" With a loud sound like thunder, the sword light exploded, and the entire night sky and even the endless abyss seemed to be lit up.

The tornado storm was also shattered by the explosion of sword power, turning into thousands of turbulences, and then formed countless smaller tornado storms, which swept towards Gu Fenghua and others.

What a strong strength! Gu Fenghua and others were secretly frightened. While they gathered their own energy shields to protect themselves, they slashed out with their swords. There were explosions one after another, and tornadoes exploded one after another, and they were shaken back again by the violent turbulence.

Finally, the last tornado was shattered by Gu Fenghua's sword, and they retreated several feet away.

In mid-air, the giant cyan bird had disappeared, and the broken space once again returned to its previous silence.

"What the hell was that just now?" Fang Tianyou asked breathlessly.

Although he is not a weakling at the fourth level of Emperor Saint, but in order to withstand the fierce turbulent wind in the abyss, most of the holy energy has been consumed. It is impossible to fully recover in such a short time. To deal with the giant blue bird, This wave of offensive really cost him a lot of energy.

"The Meng-destroying bird is also a legendary ancient monster, but it's just a monster soul." Gu Fenghua said.

There are not many records about the Mongolian Bird in ancient books. They only say that this monster beast is huge and has a long lifespan, but there is not much description of its strength. It does not seem to be very strong, but I personally felt the power of the tornado. Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that the ancients had underestimated Mie Mengniao.

This kind of strength is actually not much worse than the ancient ferocious beasts like the roe owl. The reason why she was ignored was probably because her nature was too gentle - when the Meng-destroying bird demon soul appeared just now, she did not feel the unique violence of the ferocious beast, nor did she feel that Natural bloodlust and murderous intent.

"It's a demon soul again. How many demon souls does that guy have?" Fang Tianyou said in surprise.

The expressions of Gu Fenghua and others became more solemn. They originally thought it was just a demon soul, but they didn't expect that the opponent actually had a demon soul of Miemeng. Even though the Miemeng Bird is gentle in nature and doesn't feel that scary, its strength is not much weaker than that of the Yuqi. It would be extremely detrimental to them to continue to be entangled like this.

"Rush over!" Gu Fenghua made a prompt decision and was the first to rush out.

"Wow... wow..." Amidst the weird beast roar, another huge beast shadow blocked the front.

The shadow of this beast is hazy, and you don't need to know that it is also a demon soul like the previous Yu Qi Mie Meng.

However, compared to the previous Meng-destroying bird, this demon soul was obviously much more ferocious in temperament. As soon as it appeared, it bowed its body and rushed towards Gu Fenghua and others with its thick and powerful limbs. A pair of scimitar-like horns on its head flashed with a cold light, and dust flew under its feet. This monster beast fully demonstrated the violence and ferocity that a ferocious beast should have. The entire earth trembled violently with its footsteps, as if it was also afraid of the monster's rage.

"Rhino!" This time, before Gu Fenghua could tell the origin of the monster, Luo Enen and Fatty Ye Wusebai exclaimed at the same time. Fang Tianyou's lips trembled and his color changed in shock.

Rhinoceros Channel, its shape is like an ox, its body is pale, its voice is like a baby, it cannibalize people!

There are also not many records about Xiqu in ancient books, just a dozen or so words. But just seeing the word "cannibal" is enough to make people remember it with a photograph, and it is enough to make people imagine this monster. The ferocity and tyranny of the beast.

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