My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5284 5284 We must not let her ruin a big event!

"Roar..." Just after taking a few steps, the beast roared again.

This time, the beast spirit leopard standing in front of him had a body with a carved mouth and a single horn. The huge mouth was densely covered with sharp teeth, making the image even more ferocious and terrifying.

The Gu Eagle is actually one of the twelve legendary beasts, the Gu Eagle!

In fact, the twelve evil beasts in ancient times are both strong and weak. The Gu Diao is one of the strongest ferocious beasts. Its strength is comparable to that of the Yaoqi, but its ferocity is even better than that of the Yaoqi - just like Xiqu. , Gu Eagle is also notorious for its love of eating humans, and it is the childhood nightmare of countless people in Tianji Continent and even Wuji Holy Heaven.

But at this moment, seeing the Gu Eagle that had woken them up from nightmares time and time again, Luo Enen and others had calm expressions on their faces, and their sword-holding hands were as steady as a rock, without any panic.

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!"

"Fengyun, Qian Zhong!" Qing shouted as four sword beams slashed out at the same time.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!" Several loud noises sounded one after another.

The figure of Gu Diao shook violently for a few times, and then slowly disappeared. However, Luo Enen and others were knocked upside down by the power of the exploding demon spirit, and their faces instantly turned pale.

Although they had tried their best and concentrated their minds to the extreme, without Gu Fenghua, they were still unable to use the sword that concentrated their concentration. Not only was the power of the sword much weaker, but the powerful power was also missing. defense. Therefore, although this sword finally defeated the Gu Eagle Demon Soul as expected, their own internal organs were also shaken, and there was a surge of energy and blood in their chests.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Luo Enen and others, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards the depths of the broken space.

"Stop her, stop her quickly, we must not let her ruin this big thing!" An old voice shouted anxiously, it was one of the two old men who had been seriously injured before.

Gu Fenghua's guess was indeed correct. The other party frequently summoned the demon soul just to delay time.

Before he finished speaking, the beast's shadow appeared in mid-air, and the demon soul of the beast stood in front of him again.

It seemed that the opponent should be these five demon souls. Gu Fenghua subconsciously held the hilt of the sword.

"Let's go!" However, before she could slash out her sword, the shouts of Luo En'en and others rang out again.

Before they landed on the ground, several people returned in the air, and four sword rays slashed out again!

One sword, two swords, three swords! Crossing the chasm and abyss, most of the holy energy in the bodies of these people was consumed. In order to deal with the several demon souls that appeared one after another, the few remaining holy energy of the few people was greatly depleted. This time, they slashed out Three swords, a total of twelve sword rays, were able to repel the demon spirit.

The sword light and the power of the demon spirit exploded at the same time, and the huge power hit them like a huge wave. But this time, several people allowed the power to hit them hard and never took a step back!

Explosions came from their bodies, their internal organs were shaken, and the holy energy was reversed. Their faces turned pale, but their eyes were still so firm and persistent.

Before the power completely disappeared, several people gritted their teeth and flew forward with Gu Fenghua...

Amidst the clear shouts, Luo Enen and others unsheathed their swords, and the sword light shot out again.

One sword, two swords, three swords... This time, it wasn't until the fifth sword light fell at the same time that the demon soul of the beast disappeared into nothingness with a loud noise, and the powerful demon power exploded as violently as before, Like a huge wave coming from a flood peak.

The sound of rumbling thunder then sounded, like rocks being struck in shock, and like thunder shaking the sky. The protective air shields were broken one after another, but the figures of several people were as solid as rocks, firmly nailed to the ground.

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