My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5290 5290 Sister, God bless you to eat Tangtang

"Let me do it." Gu Fenghua hesitated and said in a deep voice.

Her strength is higher and her control of the holy energy is more sophisticated. If she takes action, it may be possible for Su Muyun to save his life. But it was only possible, and she didn't have much certainty. She clenched the hilt of the sword again, a thin layer of sweat forming on her palms.

"Sister, Tianyou wants to eat Tangtang, Tianyou wants to eat Tangtang!" Suddenly, Fang Tianyou's dull voice came to his ears.

This guy is sick again... Gu Fenghua and others were startled.

They reunited again and saw that Fang Tianyou's cultivation had been promoted to the fourth level of Emperor Saint. They were all happy. They thought that if his cultivation reached this level, his soul-losing syndrome would naturally be cured without treatment. Who knew that at this critical moment, he would appear again? fall ill.

Just when Gu Fenghua and others were stunned, Fang Tianyou was already walking cheerfully, waving his small hands or big hands, and rushed towards Su Muyun like a coquettish child.

"Bang!" The next moment, Fang Tianyou slammed into the invisible barrier condensed by the power of the demon spirit.

Although they are just demon souls, they are all powerful beings in legends. Even at their peak, it would be difficult for Fang Tianyou's cultivation level of the fourth grade Emperor Saint to withstand the combined attack of these five demon souls, let alone him. The holy energy was greatly damaged and almost reached the edge of exhaustion.

The invisible power of the demonic spirit rippled in circles, but the power it erupted was so powerful that Fang Tianyou took a few steps back and fell to the ground. The churning energy and blood that had been suppressed before could no longer be suppressed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The faint smell of blood filled the air, but Fang Tianyou himself was completely unaware of it. "Sister, you promised to buy me candies. You promised me, but you don't keep your words." He murmured to himself with a cry, got up, waved his hands again, and moved towards Su Muyun rushed over.

"Bang!" There was another muffled sound, and Fang Tianyou fell to the ground again, a mouthful of blood spurting out.

Without stopping for a moment, he immediately got up again, waving his hands, and stumbled forward.

"No!" Gu Fenghua finally came to his senses and reached out fiercely to grab his arm.

But Fang Tianyou didn't know where he got the strength to throw her arm away and continued to rush towards the invisible barrier.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..." Muffled sounds came one after another, and Fang Tianyou hit the barrier formed by the power of the demon spirit again and again like a moth to the flame, and blood spurted out one after another. , dyeing the holy robe on his chest red.

"Sister, you promised me, you don't keep your words, you promised me..." The sobs echoed in the night sky, making people feel sad involuntarily.

I thought that when he was promoted to the fourth level of Emperor Saint, his soul-losing syndrome should be completely cured, but looking at this situation, not only was he not cured, but it was actually more serious than before. Luo Enen and others were stunned and wanted to stop him, but seeing the grief on his face, they didn't dare to take action easily.

When one's cultivation reaches this level, the strength of the soul is not comparable to that of ordinary people. If by chance, the soul may remain immortal even after death. However, once there is a problem with the soul, it will be even more difficult to treat it. If Fang Tianyou is in a state of soullessness like this, if you ignore it, there will usually be no serious problems when he regains consciousness on his own. However, if you try to wake him up forcibly, it is likely to damage the soul, or at least destroy the way of cultivation. , or more seriously, the mind becomes insane, and there will never be a day of sobriety.

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