My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5296 5296 This time they miscalculated

Although they don’t know the origin of this holy pattern and how powerful it is, everyone knows: absolutely, never let this holy pattern fall into the hands of Changsun Luocang. Otherwise, not only will the old man's strength increase greatly, Qian Qiuxue will most likely fall into his hands smoothly. By then, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky to get back Qian Qiuxue. If Changsun Luocang is determined to leave, he can rely on concentration to Even if they join forces and use one sword, they can't keep him at all.

"Choke..." Luo Enen and others drew out their swords at the same time and injected the holy energy into the sword without any reservation.

Gu Fenghua also held the hilt of the sword tightly. Although at the end of the Chengyun Competition, she once severely wounded Changsun Luocang with a sword, but at that time Changsun Luocang had actually been injured by Chang Aotian and others first. Strictly speaking, she was actually equivalent to Several great kings and envoys from the Xuanji Domain joined forces to defeat him.

But this time, there was no Chang Aotian and other envoys, only Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, Ye Wuse and Fang Tianyou teamed up. How could she dare to be careless? She has already seen the true strength of Jun Shi from Shangguan Haochen and others. Even if Changsun Luocang is injured time and time again by their hands and his cultivation level is severely damaged, who can be sure that he has no ability to win over others? , can't you think of a way to restore your strength?

Powerful and abundant holy energy was injected into the long sword, and an ancient divine sword let out a low groan. In mid-air, Changsun Luocang was still concentrating on making hand seals, completely unaware of the movements of the outside world. The disciples of Luocang Peak below were working hard to operate the formation, and naturally they were no exception.

Not to be missed! Gu Fenghua and others flew out at the same time without hesitation.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!"

"Fengyun, Qianzhong!"

Five rays of sword light shot out from the sword at the same time, slashing towards Changsun Luocang in mid-air.

At this moment, several figures suddenly flew out of the formation and stood in front of them, and also stood in front of the five sword lights.

They had been careful before, so it was not surprising that they had not been discovered by Changsun Luocang and others. At this time, the five swords were emitting towering swords. If the other party was still as unresponsive as a dead person, even Gu Fenghua and others would not believe it. Therefore, Gu Fenghua and others were not surprised at all when they saw the figures blocking their way, and they just continued to inject holy energy into the sword with all their strength.

The power of their combined swords has reached the peak of the ninth level of the Emperor Saint. It can be said that no one can defeat the emperor. Even if the emperor does not show his true strength and pay some price for the restriction of heaven and earth, he will be very afraid. Hard to resist!

Gu Fenghua and others' eyes were firmly fixed on Changsun Luocang, and they didn't take those people to heart at all.

However, this time they miscalculated. The holy energy and spiritual thoughts were injected into the sword as before, but the five sword rays did not converge into one as before.

How is this going? The first time they encountered this situation, Gu Fenghua and others were shocked.

Before they could figure it out, several people on the other side drew their swords and attacked them head-on. Golden holy beads appeared between their eyebrows at the same time.

The sword lights collided in the air, and bursts of thunderous sounds were heard again in the ancient and broken heaven and earth.

The sword light exploded and turned into streaks of light, like meteors shattering in mid-air. Powerful air currents surged. Gu Fenghua and others were stunned and were shocked back several steps.

Emperor Saint, eighth grade, seventh grade, seventh grade, seventh grade, sixth grade! Only then did they see the holy beads between each other's eyebrows clearly, and their hearts sank slightly.

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