My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5308 5308 You don’t follow martial ethics!

Tang Yongxing wanted to change his moves. After all, he was a master disciple of the Emperor's Envoy. He could not only practice a half-baked holy method. His sword skills were also not weak. Strictly speaking, he was actually stronger. But unfortunately, it was too late. Before the remaining power of the sword had dissipated, Luo Enen struck down with another sword.

Nine phantoms, with nine sword rays, and nine thunders fell from the sky.

At this time, Tang Yongxing had spent so much holy energy on that half-baked thunder technique that he had no time to re-concentrate his holy energy. Faced with this terrifying thunder power, he could only grit his teeth and persevere. At the beginning of the five thunders, he could still use the holy energy to barely resist it, but when the sixth thunder fell, the holy energy that he had used all his strength to condense was completely exhausted. Then, the powerful sword light, carrying the destructive power of thunder, blasted into his body without any hindrance, shattering his internal organs, tearing apart his meridians, and even his heart veins were blasted into powder.

When the last sound of thunder dissipated, Tang Yongxing stood there with a charred face, green smoke rising from his hair, and his eyes filled with unwillingness and grief.

"You're talking about five thunders striking the top. Is this still five thunders? It's obviously nine thunders. You're lying!" Tang Yongxing looked at Luo Enen across from him and said with trembling all over.

He remembered clearly that what Luo Enen had just said was a thunderous strike. But was it five thunders that struck down? It was obviously nine thunders. If there were really only five thunders, wouldn't he just be able to resist it? Tang Yongxing, who felt that he had been deceived, was very angry.

"Uh... are you really called the King of Thunder and Lightning? The five thunders refer to sky thunder, land mines, water mines, divine thunder, and demon thunder. It doesn't mean one, two, three, four, and five five sky thunders. And the King of Thunder and Lightning, none of these I understand." Luo Enen said with a look of contempt, but it was a rare opportunity to show off again.

"I don't care, I don't care, you're lying, you don't follow martial ethics!" Tang Yongxing no longer had the time or energy to listen to her popular science knowledge about the five thunders. He used his last strength to let out a roar, and then with a face full of reluctance. Grief and anger, and deep regret in his eyes.

In fact, with his seventh-grade Emperor Saint strength, even if he did not use the thunder technique that he was proud of, he should not be defeated by Luo Enen, a sixth-grade Emperor Saint, just with his sword skills. Even if he was defeated, he would never be defeated. He should have been defeated so quickly and miserably, but the fault was that he was too confident in his thunder method, and the fault was that he was dazzled by the false reputation of the Lightning Dharma King.

Luo Enen was caught off guard when he made his first move. He had no time to gather his holy energy, and there was no chance for him to make a second move.

A powerful man of the seventh rank of Emperor Sage died in the hands of a little girl of the sixth rank of Emperor Sage. Who can be willing to do so, and who can not regret it?

"Ah... just as Tang Yongxing fell down full of grief and anger, a mournful roar came from the side.

The two long swords stuck together suddenly separated, and Cheng Mofeng's blood spurted out wildly. Like Tang Yongxing, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Originally, he thought that with his cultivation of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint and the tyrannical sword gained from "Tian Xing Luocang", he would be able to defeat a sixth-grade Emperor Saint easily, so he didn't catch Fatty Bai at all. Take it seriously.

In fact, the result of the first sword shot was not much different from what he expected. As soon as the two sword lights connected, one of them shattered in the air. The fat man was shocked to the point of vomiting blood and took two steps back. Logically speaking, when the remaining power of the sword light fell, the fat white man would die without a burial place, but what he didn't expect was that while retreating, the fat white man actually struck out four more swords in succession.

After five sword blows, the clothes on his chest were stained with blood, but the residual power of Cheng Mofeng's sword was completely neutralized by him.

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