Zhong Lingxiu's fingers had already pinched the teleportation jade talisman, but looking at the familiar and close faces of Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others, she still couldn't make up her mind.

By crushing this jade talisman, maybe the master will tear apart the space to rescue her like the Heavenly Lord, but he may also teleport her directly to his side. Based on past experience, the latter is more likely.

Until the last moment, she was really unwilling to leave Gu Fenghua and others to escape alone.

"The grudge between us and Changsun Luocang has nothing to do with you. No, we shouldn't involve you!" Gu Fenghua endured the invisible force coming from all directions, struggled to squeeze out a smile, and said to Zhong Lingxiu. , but the handprints did not stop.

Zhong Lingxiu clearly saw that the seven holy soul beads outside Gu Fenghua's body gradually dimmed, while the golden light emitted by the holy soul in the center became increasingly dazzling. As Gu Fenghua's hand seals continued to be made, the holy energy of divine thoughts was continuously injected into it, and a destructive aura was vaguely released.

"No!" Zhong Lingxiu shouted.

She finally understood what Gu Fenghua wanted. With this hand seal and the destructive power of the holy soul when it self-destructed, Gu Fenghua might be able to break the giant palm of Tianji Holy Lord, but she first The one who was destroyed must be herself.

Zhong Lingxiu wanted to stop Gu Fenghua, but Tianling's giant palm slowly closed in, and the invisible force was like a shackle, imprisoning them. Even Gu Fenghua's hand seals were difficult to do, so there was no way she could stop them.

"No, no, stop!" Zhong Lingxiu choked, looking at Gu Fenghua's calm face, tears falling like raindrops.

"Ding..." Suddenly, a clear sound sounded.

The sound is not loud, but it is clear and pure, as sweet as the sound of immortality, and like the Zen sound of a Buddhist bell, cleansing the soul.

Zhong Lingxiu, Luo Enen and others were all startled. Their minds, which had almost collapsed due to nervousness, suddenly calmed down and fell into an unprecedented emptiness.

The Holy Lord Tianji seemed to be disturbed by this clear sound, and the giant palm of the Tianling that was slowly closing suddenly smacked.

Even Gu Fenghua couldn't help but stop his handprints. Just when the clear chime sounded, a familiar and close Qi lingered around him, as if he was thrown into the solid and warm chest again, and was tightly embraced by big hands again and again.

"This, this is..." Zhong Lingxiu looked at the direction where the sound of Qingming sounded, with an incredible look in her eyes.

On Gu Fenghua's earlobes, two silver earrings quietly broke. This earring does not look very exquisite, even a little crude, but when it breaks, the silver light blooms, but it is so dazzling and mysterious.

In just a moment, the silver light spread freely, and the entire abyss was covered with a dazzling silver glow.

In front of Gu Fenghua, the silver light gathered together, forming a slender and upright figure. Although it was as illusory and hazy as the giant palm of Tianji Holy Lord, the face that looked like a knife and an ax was vaguely visible, proud and proud. And majestic.

"Brother Ye!" Luo Enen and others were overjoyed and couldn't help but cheer.

Ye Yunji didn't say anything, but stood proudly, looking directly at the angry-faced Holy Lord Tianji in the crack in space.

Only then did Luo Enen and others realize that the figure in front of them was not the real Ye Yunji, but the holy soul Taoist body.

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