My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5358 5358 No one can answer this question

Although she has a lot of Holy Spirit Stones on her body, they will always run out, and this abyss is endless. If they accidentally go deep into it and use up the Holy Spirit Stones, they will be in big trouble.

Quickly going upstairs, the group of people quickly returned to the cabin, only to see Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others gathered in front of the control formation, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Fenghua, come and see if there is something wrong with this control formation?" Seeing Gu Fenghua coming up, Luo Enen breathed a sigh of relief and walked over quickly, grabbing her as if grasping a life-saving straw. His hand quickly came to the front of the control formation.

Gu Fenghua noticed that Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were sweating profusely, and without asking any more questions, he immediately began to check the control formations. But after checking it several times, I found nothing out of the ordinary.

"Did you find anything wrong?" Gu Fenghua asked Zhong Lingxiu and Liu Sanjuedao.

The two of them came close to each other, focused their thoughts, and looked at the formation carefully.

"No." They both shook their heads at the same time.

"What happened?" Gu Fenghua asked Luo Enen in confusion.

"Didn't you notice that the Flying Boat has been flying forward?" Luo Enen said.

"What!" Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that the Flying Boat across the Clouds was indeed moving forward slowly. She had not noticed it before as she had been concentrating on checking the formation.

Zhong Lingxiu and Liu Sanjue looked at each other. They had been setting up defensive formations without any distractions. Only after hearing Luo Enen's reminder did they realize that the Flying Boat had been flying forward slowly.

Although the turbulent winds in the chasm and abyss are endless, and the power contained in them is not small, this cloud-crossing flying boat is made entirely of fine gold and mithril from the outside to the inside, weighs ten thousand, and is full of If the formation is activated, it will never be possible to move on its own unless the formation is activated.

"I'll go out and take a look." Gu Fenghua opened the door and flew out.

There is nothing unusual about the six control formations. We can only see if there is any trouble in the abyss.

Luo Enen and others thought for a while and then flew out of the Yundu Feizhou.

As soon as they left the Duyun Feizhou, turbulent winds swept in from all directions. Although it did not calm down completely, it was still much weaker than when the Tianji Holy Lord had just slashed out with his sword.

Gu Fenghua and others concentrated their holy energy to protect their whole bodies, while concentrating their spiritual thoughts to explore.

There were explosions outside the body, and the protective air shields were shattered one after another. Fortunately, everyone's injuries had healed, and their holy energy had recovered, so they were still able to hold on. After half an hour, everyone returned to Duyun Feizhou again, looking at each other with unusually solemn expressions.

Concentrating their spiritual thoughts over and over again, they explored the surroundings. They didn't find anything strange in the turbulent wind, but they clearly felt that an invisible force was dragging the flying boat across the clouds towards the unknown abyss. Flying away, the speed seems to be getting faster and faster.

The power was not overbearing, but it was so vast that it was beyond the power of human beings to contend with.

"What on earth is going on?" After a long time, Luo Enen broke the silence and asked with a worried look on his face.

Of course no one answered this question of Lorne, and no one could answer it.

Everyone looked at each other with deep worry in their eyes. Although they didn't know where the vast but silent power came from and where it would attract the cloud-crossing flying boat to fly, there was a faint uneasiness in everyone's hearts.

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