My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5364 5364 Dream or nightmare

"Who are you getting married to?" Luo Enen came back from the shock and asked nervously.

"Jun Lan of the Jun family has a son, who else could it be? Everyone in the capital says that the young lady and Mr. Jun are a talented and beautiful couple." Xiang'er looked at Luo Enen strangely.

"What, Bai, Bai Fatty..." Luo Enen's whole body trembled. How blind must these people in the capital be if they are handsome men and talented women?

"Master Jun is a lot fatter than before, but he looks like our uncle from the Luo family. The old lady said that only those who are fatter will be blessed." Xiang'er said with a smile.

Luo Enen only felt a chill coming from the soles of his feet to the sky. The fat white man in the past was a little fatter, but if you look closely, he was pretty and pretty. Now he is a little fatter, but he really can't be seen. Well, that's not the point. The point is, she never thought about getting married, let alone a fat white man.

"No, I want to break off the engagement, I want to break off the engagement!" Luo Enen got out of bed.

"Miss, slow down, slow down, don't get pregnant." Xiang'er was startled and quickly stepped forward to support her.

"Fetal gas?" Luo Enen lowered his head and looked at his round belly, his face turned pale.

You have a child. When were you conceived? Also, who is the father of the child? Could it be Fatty Bai? Well, it can only be Fatty Bai. Otherwise, how could he get married to him?

In an instant, Miss Luo felt as if another thunderbolt hit her head, making her want to cry without tears.

"Miss, you have breakfast first, and I will dress you up right away. My uncle will come to pick you up soon." Xiang'er seemed not to notice the sadness on her face, but still looked happy.

Luo Enen's mind went blank. He put the Seven Jade and Eight Treasure Cake into his mouth numbly and took a bite... Hey, that's not right. Isn't the Seven Jade and Eight Treasure Cake so crispy on the outside that it melts in your mouth? Why can't I bite it? Woolen cloth?

Luo Enen bit hard, but still couldn't bite. Heaven, earth, what on earth is going on? It’s just that she got pregnant for no reason, it’s just that she wanted to marry a fat man for no reason, why did the Seven Jade and Eight Treasures Cake that she had longed for become like this? Miss Luo was filled with grief and indignation after taking one bite, one bite, and another... But the Seven Jade and Eight Treasures Crisps that used to melt in your mouth have become like cowhide today, and they cannot be broken or chewed no matter how hard you bite them.

"Ah..." Luo Enen finally let go of her mouth and looked up to the sky with a cry of sorrow.

This cry of sorrow was so tragic that even Miss Luo couldn't help crying after hearing it... Wait, why doesn't it sound like her own voice...

Luo Enen opened his eyes suddenly and saw the fat man jumping up and down with his arms folded, and letting out heart-piercing screams.

"What's wrong with you, beautiful man? What happened!" Gu Fenghua and others were also awakened by the scream and rushed forward subconsciously.

"Luo, uh, uh!" Fatty Bai finally calmed down a bit, looked at Luo Enen with burning eyes, and shouted Luo Enen's name through gritted teeth.

"Ah!" Luo En'en hadn't fully woken up yet. Hearing this "affectionate call", his scalp felt numb and he jumped up. He ignored the fat man and looked down at his belly first.

Fortunately, my belly wasn't big. It turned out to be a nightmare. Luo Enen breathed a long sigh of relief and showed a relieved smile.

"You still have the nerve to smile!" Fatty Bai said angrily.

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