My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5370 5370 Did Luo Enen really get it right?

Ye Wuse and others knew her bad habits and were too lazy to argue with her. They just curled their lips at the same time, obviously disapproving of her words.

"Let's try it first." Gu Fenghua thought for a while and said.

She also felt that the old man was full of weirdness, but his strength was unfathomable, so it was better not to provoke him if he could. No matter whether you can leave this broken space or not, you have to give it a try first.

Returning to Duyun Feizhou, everyone embedded the Holy Spirit Stone into the formation and made hand seals again.

With a tremor under his feet, the flying boat flew into the sky and flew towards the dream-like barrier where light and shadow were blurred.

After the old man's casual repairs, the Flying Boat was completely new from the outside to the inside. It seemed to be a little faster than before, and it only took a moment to reach the edge of the barrier.

The old man's words seemed to echo in his ears, and he could think with his toes that it would not be easy to cross this barrier.

Gu Fenghua and others speed up the circulation of holy energy, not only placing layers of shields around the body, but also protecting the heart veins, sea of ​​​​qi, center of the eyebrows and other vital points.

Finally, a strange light flashed before his eyes, and the flying boat across the clouds hit the barrier.

Something surprising happened. There was no vibration or even the slightest obstacle. The Flying Boat passed directly through the barrier.

So simple, so easy. Everyone rubbed their eyes, looking in disbelief.

"I just said he was just talking casually. You still don't believe it, ho ho... ho ho." Luo Enen was stunned for a moment, and then he let out his customary weird smile triumphantly.

Ye Wuse, Fatty Bai and others shook their heads, all looking embarrassed: This time, Luo Enen really got it right. The old man was really just talking casually.

Sure enough, a wise man will lose something after a thousand worries, and a fool will gain something after a thousand worries!

"Stop, stop quickly!" Suddenly, Gu Fenghua exclaimed.

Ye Wuse and the others were startled. They quickly looked forward and saw an ancient and desolate broken space appearing in front of them, approaching rapidly.

What's going on? I've obviously broken out of the Broken Space. Why is there another Broken Space? Everyone was stunned.

"Quick!" Gu Fenghua's urgent voice sounded again.

Ye Wuse and others felt as if they were in a dream, and quickly made their fingerprints. Just after they broke out of the barrier, they all breathed a long sigh of relief, and their minds relaxed naturally. At this time, they were in a hurry to take action. Fortunately, in the past month or so, despite their efforts in vain again and again in the face of the mysterious and powerful gravity, they have become more and more familiar with the control of the Yundu Feizhou.

In the formation, runes flashed rapidly, and the speed of the flying boat slowly slowed down. Just when it was about to hit the ground, it finally stopped steadily.

"What kind of place is this? Why did another broken space appear?" Luo Enen let out a long sigh of relief and said with lingering fear, looking out the window along with everyone.

Although the Wuji Holy Sky and the Tianji Continent are divided into two, there are numerous large and small broken spaces on the edge of the two major plates. However, compared with the vast continent, these broken spaces are as small as a drop in the ocean. If there is not enough By chance, maybe I could not find a broken space even after looking for tens of thousands of years. How could I just leave one and come to another.

His eyes quickly swept around, and he saw deep cracks crisscrossing the desolate ground, as if it might be torn apart at any time. In the distance, a similar background slowly walked towards the depths of the broken space.

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