My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5380 5380 What on earth were you dreaming about?

"Is it an illusion? Don't you already have the answer? After all, you are still at the level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint. No matter how bad your spiritual sense is, it shouldn't be any worse. Don't you have any confidence at all?" The old man looked at Zhong Lingxiu. He glanced at it and said in a lecturing tone.

Listening to this meaning, it is obvious that Zhong Lingxiu's guess has been denied.

Since it is not an illusion, it is the real world. However, how can thoughts form the real world? Gu Fenghua and others were even more confused.

"A truly strong man can move mountains and seas with just a thought, and he can also turn things around. What's the big deal if he turns into such a barrier?" the old man said disapprovingly.

Hearing what the old man said, Gu Fenghua and others felt relieved.

The so-called moving mountains and seas with a single thought, and turning things around with a single thought may be myths and legends to most people in the world. Even the three holy kings who dominate the Wuji Holy Heaven do not have that kind of strength.

But they already knew that there were more cultivation planes in the world than just the Wuji Holy Heaven. The three Saint Lords may not be considered truly powerful. Perhaps, what seems unbelievable to them is really just a thought for those who are truly strong.

However, how powerful must one be to be able to form such a barrier with thoughts, and what is the identity of this strong man?

"Some things are still far away from you. It is useless to know too much and know too early." It seemed that he could see the curiosity in Gu Fenghua and others. Before they could ask, the old man gave up their idea.

The old man made it clear that he did not want to say more, so of course Gu Fenghua and others would not ask further questions.

"So, is everything in this broken space true or false?" Luo Enen asked another question.

"What you say is true is true, and what you say is false is false." The old man's magic stick problem broke out, and he started a mystery with Luo Enen.

"Then are the dreams we had true or false?" Luo Enen was not angry, but continued to ask impatiently.

Seeing the eagerness and worry on her face, Gu Fenghua and others suddenly realized: This is the issue that Miss Luo is most concerned about, and it is also the issue that she is most worried about. But she didn't know what she was dreaming about that made her worry like this?

"What are you dreaming about?" The old man also looked at Luo Enen curiously.

"Just tell me if it's true or not." Luo Enen's face turned red, he lowered his head to avoid the old man's sight, and said with a coy expression.

It was rare to see such a shy side of Miss Luo, and Gu Fenghua and others were even more curious.

"It's hard to say. It may be what you hope and wish in your heart, or it may be what you fear and hate in your heart, or it may be that the future of this life is uncertain." The old man put his hands behind his back, showing off the air of a worldly expert, and continued Just for fun - well, it's all nonsense.

Luo Enen felt relieved after hearing this. She patted her chest and let out a long sigh, silently muttering in her heart: Yes, yes, it must be what is feared and disgusted in her heart. This eldest lady is so beautiful and beautiful, everyone loves her, how could this happen? Marrying a fat man is so beautiful!

"What on earth were you dreaming about?" Gu Fenghua finally couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, it's just a nightmare, don't mention it anymore." Luo Enen said with a smile as the boulder in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Seeing that she refused to say anything, Gu Fenghua didn't feel comfortable asking. Instead, he thought of his dream and couldn't help but think: Seeing how Luo Enen is doing, her dream was probably what the old man said she was afraid of and hated, otherwise she wouldn't be happy. If this is the case, what about you? What happened to your dream?

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