My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5383 5383 I didn’t agree at all

"I'll take it as your promise." The old man smiled kindly. But before he could finish his words, a palm shadow had already arrived in front of Luo Enen.

Luo Enen subconsciously stretched out his hand to block in front of him, but he could not block the old man's powerful palm. His whole body was shaken, as if he was hit by a huge boulder thrown by a trebuchet, and he flew out hard.

"Ah..." It wasn't until it hit the ground hard that Luo Enen let out a heart-rending scream.

The powerful holy energy penetrated into the body and surged throughout the body in an instant. The bones, meridians, body, and internal organs of the whole body seemed to be shattered inch by inch. After so many years on the path of spiritual practice, Luo Enen has never been injured, nor has he been on the verge of death, but this is the first time that he has been injured like this.

The severe pain flooded into his mind, and his soul seemed to be torn into several pieces.

"You're too weak. You still have to practice hard. Then I'll be embarrassed to fight you." The old man looked at Luo Enen, who was screaming in pain, and shook his head in disappointment.

"I, I never agreed to fight with you!" Luo Enen endured the pain and roared in anger with a trembling voice.

What do you mean, just think that I agreed, but I didn't agree to fight you at all, okay? It is said that young people do not respect martial ethics, and this old man does not respect martial ethics.

"You can still speak, but I underestimate you." The old man glanced at Luo Enen approvingly, and suddenly another palm shadow flew out and landed heavily on her body.

"Ah!" The heart-rending scream sounded again, but it only lasted half the time before it stopped abruptly. Miss Luo, with a look of grief and indignation, tilted her head and died.

Next to them, Gu Fenghua and others were stunned. Although they were deeply disturbed by Luo Enen's act of seeking death, they did not expect that the old man would suddenly take action, let alone that his action would be so severe. They did not even have time to stop it - of course, with their strength, they could not stop it even if they wanted to. Can't stop it.

It wasn't until the old man took out his second palm that they finally came to their senses. Gu Fenghua grasped the hilt of the sword fiercely, and the others also drew their swords at the same time. His face was full of horror and confusion. Judging from the old man's previous actions, there was no malice at all, and his rescue of Xie Youran didn't seem like hypocrisy. But why did he suddenly attack Luo Enen like this? Is it because she wanted to die? Like.

Could it be that everyone had misunderstood that this old man had no good intentions from the beginning?

"You still can't appreciate the magical power of Qian Qiuxue?" the old man said lightly.

Gu Fenghua and others were slightly startled, gathered their thoughts, and subconsciously looked towards Luo Enen.

Only then did I realize that the old man looked very heavy-handed, but in fact he was very measured. Although Luo Enen's bones, meridians, muscles, and internal organs were shattered inch by inch, and there were even a few cracks in the heart veins, they were not fatal. And just as he was speaking, Qian Qiuxue's spiritual power was falling like raindrops, just like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea. Injected into her body, all injuries healed at an astonishing speed. The spiritual power was integrated into her body, and her meridians, bones, and internal organs were many times stronger than before, even her heart was no exception.

Cutting off the pulse and cleansing the marrow! Everyone was not a newbie, and they immediately realized that Qian Qiuxue's magical effect turned out to be to cut the pulse and cleanse the marrow. However, the effect is not to mention compared with the ordinary Marrow Cleansing Pill, even it is a hundred times stronger than the Ice Muscle Jade Bone Spring. Looking at this situation, it even has the effect of reshaping the body.

It is worthy of being one of the five extraordinary treasures from heaven. It is truly mysterious and mysterious. The only thing that makes one's heart palpitate is that the method used is too cruel and a bit too terrifying.

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