My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5385 5385 But happiness is always short-lived

At this time, Miss Luo was not as cheerful as before, her face was covered with tears, and her whole body was trembling, like a chicken that had just been fished out of the water.

Facts have proved that there is indeed a price to pay for seeking death.

"Where are you running to?" Gu Fenghua was speechless, but Ye Wuse asked with a wry smile.

Luo Enen fell silent immediately. The broken space was only such a big place, and the barrier formed by the strong man's thoughts was an infinite loop. Where could they run to?

"Eat something first to replenish your energy, and then take a good rest to recharge your batteries." Gu Fenghua took out the pheasant and hare from the storage bracelet again.

Although this method of severing the pulse and cleansing the marrow does make life worse than death, the changes and improvements in the physique are also obvious. Since you can't escape or resist, then just accept it honestly. The old man was right. How could he become a truly strong man without suffering some hardships?

"How about you let me cook today?" Luo Enen said suddenly.

"Are you coming?" Gu Fenghua and others looked at her in surprise.

"This senior has a cold face and a warm heart, but he is actually doing his best for us. I want to make a delicious meal to express my gratitude to him." Luo Enen said sincerely, and quietly gave them a wink.

Gu Fenghua, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse all had black hair. Others don't know what Luo Enen's cooking skills are; To actually want to poison such a strong man... Obviously, Miss Luo is going further and further on the road of seeking death.

In the end, Gu Fenghua gave up Luo Enen's idea.

It doesn't matter if you seek death occasionally, but there is no need to seek death purely. She doesn't think that such a strong man will be easily poisoned by Luo Enen.

Ignoring Luo Enen, Gu Fenghua took out a piece of the Seven-Emotions branch, lit it with a fire, and then used another section of the Seven-Emotions branch to dress the pheasant and hare. Not long after, the familiar aroma of meat filled the air again.

Eating barbecue, the familiar delicious food that will never make people tired fills the teeth and cheeks, and all kinds of emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy are ups and downs in the heart, making people involuntarily immersed in it.

When the mind returned again, savoring the lingering fragrance in the mouth, the memory of the previous pain and numbness suddenly became blurry, as if it had happened a long time ago, and the original peace and tranquility suddenly returned to the mind. Thinking back to the pulse-breaking marrow cleansing not long ago, there was actually not much fear and worry left.

It turns out that the Seven Emotions Tree has such a magical effect. Gu Fenghua looked thoughtfully at the old man who closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing under the ancient tree.

At this point, even a fool can see that the old man not only has no ill intentions towards them, but also wants to help them, but they don't know why he is so kind?

Gu Fenghua didn't ask, because until now, the old man was still unwilling to reveal his identity, so he couldn't explain too much to them. Just knowing that he means well is enough.

Although the injury had long since healed, the brutal pulse-cutting and marrow cleansing still left everyone exhausted. After eating the barbecue and practicing for a while, everyone fell asleep. This sleep was particularly sweet and happy.

But happiness is always short-lived. Early the next morning, the ancient and desolate land once again echoed with the screams of people.

Then, it was the third day, the fourth day...

The body, meridians, bones, Qi sea, and heart meridians were broken again and again, but they were restored to their original state again and again under the nourishment of Qian Qiuxue's spiritual power. Although they have to endure the painful torture that makes life worse than death every day, everyone's physique is constantly improving and improving.

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