My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5391 5391 There are still many people waiting for her

She must not tell Gu Fenghua that she dreamed that she and Fatty Bai would treat each other like guests and grow old together. So shameful and so tasteless.

"Isn't it a good dream?" Gu Fenghua glanced at Luo Enen suspiciously. She could clearly see that this guy had a smile on his face when he just returned to his senses, and his eyes were full of love. How could it not be a good dream?

"There should be tests later, so don't be careless." Fatty Bai interjected.

When he said this, Fatty Bai had a serious face, but Gu Fenghua could clearly see that the guy's ears were all red.

There is weirdness, these two guys have weirdness! Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen thoughtfully, and then at Fatty Bai.

Although everyone has returned to their minds and did not see any danger, Gu Fenghua was not sure what would happen if his mind could not return and was stuck in memories or dreams, so he still did not dare to be careless and did not Mind gossiping about their secrets.

The holy energy was circulated to concentrate the mind, and after a moment, everyone took a step towards the second step.

Sudden! The moment one foot stepped onto the steps, a sword beam struck towards him.

Although he already knew the mystery of this stone staircase and was mentally prepared for it, at this moment, Gu Fenghua still felt a chill all over his body and his scalp suddenly felt numb.

It's too strong, this sword is too strong, even if the sword struck out by the Holy Lord Tianji in anger is far from being able to compare with this sword.

Seeing the sword light coming towards him, Gu Fenghua's mind went blank. He even forgot that he was standing on the stone staircase and that this was a test of his state of mind.

She subconsciously wanted to draw her sword, but under the pressure of the tyrannical sword, she felt unprecedented fear in her heart.

Yes, it's fear. No matter how powerful you are, you will always have fear. Even if you don't feel it on weekdays, it's just because the fear is buried deep in your heart. When you face an opponent who is far stronger than you and are on the verge of life and death, that fear will grow like weeds. , or like a volcano erupting, no one can be an exception!

Under extreme fear, Gu Fenghua felt that all his strength had been drained away, and his fingers could not move even half an inch. He could only watch the sword getting closer and closer to him.

"No!" Suddenly, the familiar faces of his grandfather, several brothers, Ye Yunji, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others flashed before his eyes one by one, and Gu Fenghua looked up to the sky and roared.

In this world, there are still many people waiting for her and looking forward to her. She cannot die, she must not die!

Although the overwhelming fear still lingered in his heart, Gu Fenghua's body was burning with high fighting spirit. Amidst the roar, she suddenly pulled out her sword and slashed towards the sword light.

There was a sudden darkness in front of her eyes, and the dazzling sword light disappeared, leaving only the ancient and broken stone stairs. The long sword was still hanging on her waist, as if nothing had happened. The only difference was that she was already standing on the second floor. On top of the steps.

Everything seemed to happen in an instant, even just a thought, but it seemed as long as a century. Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that the holy robe on his body was soaked with sweat.

Fortunately, I finally defeated my fear. Thinking back to the scene just now, Gu Fenghua secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The previous memory was so wonderful that even if one could not help but fall deeply into it and never want to wake up, it would not endanger one's life. But this time it's different. If you can't conquer fear, can't muster the will to fight, what will be the result if you let that sword hit you? Will you lose your soul?

Gu Fenghua couldn't think of an answer, and didn't want to know the answer. He just looked at Luo Enen and others worriedly.

Just like her, in just an instant, the holy robes of Luo Enen and others were soaked with sweat, their faces turned pale, and their whole bodies were even trembling violently, obviously they were also in fear.

Gu Fenghua's heart was in his throat.

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