Calculating the time, from the time they entered the Sky Chasm Abyss and killed Changsun Luocang, to the day when the Heavenly Saint Lord struck out with his sword, throwing the Sky Chasm Abyss into chaos, and then to when they were brought to the Shattered Space by the mysterious power to cut their veins and cleanse their marrow, It would only take half a year at most to rescue Xie Youran and leave the barrier on the remaining ladder.

If the Purple Heaven Prison barrier broke down a year ago, why should they have received the news? How could they know nothing about it?

"It seems that it was not that easy for us to pass the state of mind test. It took at least half a year." Soon, Gu Fenghua wanted to understand the reason and said to Luo Enen and others through gathering energy and sound transmission.

Only then did Luo Enen and others realize what was going on. I originally thought it would not be too difficult to pass the mental test, step by step up the remaining ladder, and finally return to the Wuji Holy Heaven, but I didn't expect it would take so long.

If I hadn't used the Seven Emotions Tree to temper my state of mind early on, would I have been able to pass the test? If it fails, will it remain on the ruined tower and turn into a pile of withered bones after hundreds of thousands of years?

Thinking like this, everyone was frightened for a while, and they were even more grateful to the old man in the broken space.

"From the time I first received the news to now, it should be more than a year and a month." Ji Shixun didn't know what they were surprised about. Seeing that Luo Enen seemed a little confused, he counted the time carefully and said.

Not to mention Gu Fenghua, the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, and Luo Enen, the eighth-grade Emperor Saint. Even the weakest among the opponents, the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, was not someone he could neglect.

"Except for you, Zhongping City, what's going on in the rest of Wuji Holy Heaven? Is there any news coming from Tianji Continent?" Gu Fenghua asked immediately.

Although they had long heard from Mo Qingqiu that the Purple Heaven Prison barrier was unstable and disaster would strike again within a hundred years, and they had even seen the Purple Heaven Prison barrier break with their own eyes, but when that day really came, And it came so suddenly, Gu Fenghua's heart was still in ups and downs, and he couldn't calm down.

It's okay for Wuji Shengtian. After all, there are many strong people. Even ordinary people mostly have the cultivation level of Dharma Saint. Take the people of Zhongping City in front of them as an example. Even if they can't stop the purple soul beast, as long as there are a few strong ones, After the victim is killed, there is still a chance to escape.

But Tianji Continent is different. The vast majority of ordinary people have no cultivation at all. The so-called strong people are only in the realm of Xuansheng. They have no ability to protect themselves when facing the purple soul beast.

Thinking of his grandfather, Zihan, the Ninth Prince and others, Gu Fenghua was extremely anxious.

Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and others also came from Tianji Continent, where they had their closest relatives, so of course they were equally anxious.

"According to the news I received, since the Purple Heaven Prison barrier broke down, a total of dozens of cities in the three extreme regions have been destroyed, and millions of people have suffered misfortune." When he said this, Ji Shixun looked sad. Color, stabilized his mind, and then continued, "But Tianji Continent is okay. This time the Purple Heaven Prison barrier broke, all the cracks were in Wuji Holy Sky, and Tianji Continent was not affected in any way."

Gu Fenghua and others were trembling when they heard that dozens of cities were destroyed and millions of people suffered misfortunes. However, they were slightly relieved to hear that Tianji Continent was not affected.

"By the way, City Master Ji, what you just said was a crack. In other words, the purple sky prison barrier is not completely broken?" Gu Fenghua calmed down and asked again.

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