My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5407 5407 He is fully qualified to be conceited

Although today's Demonic Wood Cauldron is no longer his original Demon-Suppressing Cauldron, except for the last time, the previous temperings have nothing to do with him, but after all, it was originally in his hands, so he is fully qualified to be conceited.

"So that's it." Gu Fenghua said suddenly, all doubts in his heart were swept away.

It turns out that after being tempered again by the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone and the Eight Desolate Emperor Sands, the Demonic Wood Cauldron has become so powerful. No wonder Gui Yezi was able to destroy the spirit of the weapon and the soul of the strong man, presumably with the help of the power of the Demonic Wood Cauldron itself.

"Okay, no more words. I will continue to refine the artifact. Please don't use the demon wood cauldron easily recently, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted." Gui Yezi reminded Gu Fenghua and then fell silent.

In fact, even if he didn't remind her, Gu Fenghua would not use the Demonic Wood Cauldron easily. Besides, with her current strength, the time when she needs to use the Demonic Wood Cauldron is probably very limited.

"I understand, don't be careless." After Gu Fenghua said, he put away the demon wood cauldron and probed his spiritual mind into the demon pet space.

Soon, Gu Fenghua's face showed shock again.

In the misty and chaotic demon pet space, nine fox tails swayed gently like water plants, emitting a dreamlike colorful glow.

Tenth level, the little fox has been promoted to tenth level!

An ancient alien species like the nine-tailed phantom fox is born with a tenth-level bloodline, but it will not be that strong before it enters the mature stage. But once it enters the mature stage, it will immediately grow nine fox tails, and its strength will also be As soon as everything comes together, he will be directly promoted to the tenth level.

Generally speaking, this process is extremely slow and long. Just like a human Saint Master, it takes thousands of years for the Nine-tailed Phantom Fox to reach the tenth level, which is equivalent to a human Emperor Saint. But unlike humans, as long as there is enough time, enough spiritual energy or heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the nine-tailed magic fox can eventually reach the tenth level, while the vast majority of human saint masters cannot become it after dozens of lifetimes of cultivation. Emperor Saint.

Some people may have doubts. Since ancient beasts like the nine-tailed phantom fox can eventually advance to the tenth level, it is equivalent to the realm of human Emperor Saint. However, the vast majority of human saint masters will never be able to advance to the level of Emperor Saint. , it is even difficult to become a heavenly saint. This world should have been a world of monsters and beasts for a long time. In which case will humans be the masters?

The reason is actually very simple. Monsters have to reach maturity before they can reproduce. Humans, even if they have no cultivation at all, can have children as long as they reach adulthood. As time goes by, the human population increases, strong men emerge in endlessly, and the living space of monsters becomes smaller and smaller. It becomes increasingly difficult to find enough natural materials and treasures to enter the mature stage, and even reproduction of offspring becomes difficult. If the problem is solved, in the end, nature will not be a human opponent.

Well, these are the thoughts that flashed through Gu Fenghua's mind. What really shocked her was that Wuji Shengtian's spiritual energy was insufficient. The little fox would lose life even if he came out for some air, let alone grow. What happened? The child has entered the maturity stage.

Could something go wrong? Gu Fenghua was worried and gathered his thoughts to explore the little fox. The little guy curled up in a ball and slept soundly, but the vitality in his body was surging and there was no sign of depletion of life energy at all.

Gu Fenghua breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the little bear cub again.

Compared with before, the little bear cub was several times bigger and fatter. He held his head and kicked his butt while sleeping, snoring loudly, like a huge ball of wool.

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