My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5415 5415 One runs faster than the other

Quick, so quick! This is the emotion in the hearts of the young saint masters opposite. Not to mention Wei Qiuyun himself, even the Holy Sect disciples who were watching did not see clearly how the slap was delivered, or even who slapped it.

The only thing they saw was that with that crisp slap, Wei Qiuyun flew out like a kite with its string broken, and five bright red fingerprints quickly swelled up on his still fair face.

In an instant, everyone's hearts trembled. You must know that they are strong men in the realm of emperors and saints. It’s just that they can’t defeat others. They can’t even see clearly how others take action. How strong are these people?

Wei Qiuyun was slapped and flew six to seven feet away before falling heavily to the ground.

"Senior Brother Wei, Senior Brother Wei!" The young sect disciples came to their senses, rushed over, and helped him up with all their hands.

"Okay, okay, how dare you attack me, Wei Qiuyun, I will make you die badly!" Wei Qiuyun covered half of his swollen face and roared at Gu Fenghua and others, and then... the long sword was inserted with a "choking" sound. Sheathed the sword, turned around and ran towards the valley.

All around, the young Holy Sect disciples were startled. Hearing Wei Qiuyun's roar, they thought he was so angry that he was ready to fight to the death. They also thought of persuading him to "a good man never suffers a loss in front of him" and "keep the green hills alive without fear of running out of firewood" and so on. Who knew that they hadn't waited for them yet? When he opened his mouth, this guy actually disappeared without a trace.

"Senior Brother Mu, what do you think?" After being stunned, a young disciple looked at Mu Chengjie of Ziyang Sect.

There is also something special about reporting one's family name. Generally speaking, the strongest one, or the one with the highest status, or the one with the biggest background is the first one, the second one is the second one, and so on. Wei Qiuyun ran away, Of course the remaining people are headed by Mu Chengjie.

"Let's go!" Mu Chengjie's throat rolled with difficulty, and he turned around and left.

Although his cultivation level has reached the third level of Emperor Saint, which is one level higher than Wei Qiuyun, Wei Qiuyun's sword skills are much better than his. If they really want to fight, the two of them are actually only between Zhong Bo. Now Wei Qiuyun is even stronger than him. No one can stop him with a slap in the face, and if he stays, the result will be the same. Thirty-six Stratagems are best, since he is not the first one to run away anyway, so there is no shame in spreading the word.

Mu Chengjie said to go, but he took one step more than ten feet away, and the steps after that were getting bigger and faster, and in the blink of an eye, no one was seen.

Seeing that both Wei Qiuyun and Mu Chengjie were running away, and each was running faster than the other, the others did not dare to stay and ran towards the valley in a swarm.

"You just ran away like that?" Luo Enen was stunned.

When she heard Wei Qiuyun's scream, she thought that the guy was going to fight for his life, and she was already ready to slap him again - Miss Luo was never tired of such things as slaps in the face. Who would have thought that the guy would turn around and run away after saying such harsh words, followed by everyone else running away cleanly.

"It seems like these people have no deep grudge against the Jade Cauldron Sect." Gu Fenghua said thoughtfully.

After hearing these people self-report their identities earlier, Gu Fenghua also suspected that the Jade Cauldron Sect had done something treacherous and unethical, causing anger and resentment among the people, so that all the major holy sects joined forces to encircle and suppress them. However, looking at the reactions of Wei Qiuyun and others, it was obviously different from her guess. If the major holy sects really joined forces to encircle and suppress the Jade Cauldron Sect, and they were ordered to stay on the periphery, they would never be able to retreat so easily even if they did not fight to the end.

So what happened?

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