"We are not only worried about Gu Fenghua, we are also a little worried about Senior Brother Wei. This Gu Fenghua is not weak in strength. If Senior Brother Wei is careless and underestimates the enemy, he might be injured in her hands." A young disciple spoke frankly, with a worried look on his face. said.

"Hmph, you don't even look at how old that dead girl is. Even if she is a descendant of Lord Haochen, how strong can she be if she has a lot of training resources? Don't forget, my eldest brother is also a disciple of Lord Nanming. Even the young master of the Wei family, who has been practicing for so many years, is still no match for a little girl like him." Wei Qiuyun sneered and sneered at his worries.

"That's true." After hearing what Wei Qiuyun said, Mu Chengjie and others felt a little relieved.

Indeed, Wei Qingkong was originally a rare cultivation prodigy in Wuji Holy Heaven. When it came to status, cultivation resources, and sword skills, he was no worse than Gu Fenghua. What could determine the difference in strength between the two was actually their training time. Even though Wei Qingkong looks young, that's just because of his cultivation. His real age is actually much older than Wei Qiuyun, and certainly much older than Gu Fenghua. No matter how he compares, he will never be weaker than Gu Fenghua.

As long as he doesn't have any murderous intentions, there shouldn't be any big chaos in this competition, and they have nothing to worry about.

"Let's take action. For the sake of Lord Haochen, I'll give you three swords first." Still two feet away from Gu Fenghua, Wei Qingkong stopped and put on his old-fashioned showmanship again and said. .

"You should take action first. I'm afraid that once I do, you will never have the chance to take action again." Gu Fenghua said.

"..." As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the place.

Mu Chengjie and others were shocked. Although they had been worried just now, fearing that Wei Qingkong's life would be in danger if he lost to Gu Fenghua, the premise was that he was careless and underestimated the enemy. If the two of them fought with all their strength, they really I can't imagine the possibility of Wei Qingkong losing.

Who knew that Gu Fenghua didn't take Wei Qingkong seriously at all and spoke such arrogant words in front of so many people. Where did she get her confidence? Did she think she was Shangguan Haochen?

Spoiled, this girl must have been spoiled by Shangguan Haochen. She was so arrogant that she couldn't tell the difference between east and west.

"What did you say!" Wei Qingkong didn't expect Gu Fenghua to be so arrogant. He was slightly startled, and then shouted angrily.

"Let's do it quickly, there's so much nonsense in the process." Gu Fenghua said impatiently. She felt uncomfortable when she saw this guy's habit of relying on his old age. At such a young age, there is nothing wrong with learning such a virtue.

"Okay, okay, I originally wanted to save some face for you, but you don't want it yourself, so don't blame me for being rude." Seeing Gu Fenghua's bored look, Wei Qing laughed in a hurry, her whole body trembling slightly.

Without saying any more, he drew out his long sword and slashed towards Gu Fenghua.

"Kala..." Eight golden holy beads appeared between Wei Qingkong's eyebrows. As the sword was slashed out, the sky changed and there was a faint thunderclap.

In anger, Wei Qingkong's sword was unreserved.

"Eighth Grade Emperor Saint!" Mu Chengjie and other young Saint Masters exclaimed in unison.

They knew Wei Qingkong was powerful, but they didn't expect that he was so powerful. The eighth-grade Emperor Saint is a top expert who is only one step away from the emperor and envoys. They didn't know that the strength of the emperor's envoy was actually not only the ninth level of emperor sage, but also surpassed the peak of ninth level. However, it would be restricted by the great avenue of heaven and earth, and he rarely showed his true strength.

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