My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5430 5430 I have a way, don’t worry

"Do you know the consequences of opening the barrier? Can you stop these purple soul beasts?" Wei Qingkong said angrily.

"If we open the barrier, it will be difficult for us to stop these purple soul beasts. Once they are allowed to flow into the Wuji Holy Heaven, do you know how many innocent people will suffer?" A strong man from the sect also said coldly. .

Liu Sanjue pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. He just held the hilt of the sword hard, his fingers trembling slightly and turning pale from too much force.

He knew that Wei Qingkong did not mean to cause trouble this time, and what the Holy Sect strongman said was not alarmist.

At this time, in addition to the nearly a thousand purple soul beasts besieging the sect leader's hall, there were also nearly a thousand purple soul beasts gathered behind the barrier in front.

Although the purple soul beast has been eroded by the world-destroying purple dust for generations, the intelligence of the purple soul beast is much weaker than that of the normal monster, but it is not completely devoid of intelligence. It did not scatter in all directions, but rushed towards the exit of the valley one after another. direction, trying to work together to tear the barrier apart.

Once the barrier is opened, these nearly 10,000 purple soul beasts will rush out of the valley like a flood. It is indeed difficult for them to resist it. If these purple soul beasts are allowed to flow into the Wuji Holy Sky, even some fish that slip through the net will be destroyed. To tens of thousands of civilians suffering innocently.

But, are we just going to watch the Purple Soul Beast attack the sect leader's hall, and watch our former sect members die tragically before our eyes?

"Let me do it." At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly said.

"Fenghua!" Liu Sanjue looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

He also knew that Gu Fenghua's cultivation had reached the middle stage of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, but the nearly 10,000 purple soul beasts opposite him were not weak, many of them had reached the tenth level, and even the middle stage of the tenth level - which was equivalent to the emperor's level. Fifth grade. You must know that the purple soul beast's defense and vitality far exceed that of normal monsters. Even if it is in the middle stage of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, it is not easy to kill it in one fell swoop.

Of course, in addition to Gu Fenghua, Zhong Lingxiu, Luo Enen and others are also very strong, but in the face of nearly 10,000 purple soul beasts, who can guarantee that they will be foolproof. If even they can't stop these purple soul beasts, it will be even harder for others to stop them. As long as a few fish slip through the net, they will become eternal sinners of Wuji Holy Heaven.

"It's okay, I have a solution, don't worry." Gu Fenghua said.

"What can you do? What can you do? Let me tell you Gu Fenghua, if you dare to act recklessly and cause a big disaster, even the Haochen Lord will not be able to protect you." Wei Qingkong was already feeling sulky when he heard Gu Fenghua's words. The anger didn't come from anywhere.

These are nearly 10,000 purple soul beasts, and they are also purple soul beasts whose strength is comparable to that of the Emperor Saint. That is to say, they arrived early, and the number of purple soul beasts that broke out of the Purple Sky Prison at that time was still small, so they could set up this restrictive barrier in time. If they had been a few days later, they would have faced so many powerful purple soul beasts, let alone If you set up a barrier, whether you can save your life is a question.

Just a little girl like you, what can you do? It's more like seeking death. Just want to die yourself. Don't ask us to support you!

Gu Fenghua didn't say anything. He took a few steps forward and quickly made his hand seals. There was not much time left for the Jade Cauldron Sect, and she was too lazy to talk nonsense to Wei Qingkong.

"Gu Fenghua, what do you want to do?" Wei Qingkong was a little confused when Gu Fenghua didn't say a word and just made his fingerprints.

"If you don't do it, I will do it myself." Gu Fenghua said.

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