As for Aunt Pu, she just followed the soy sauce. If she hadn't been protected by everyone, she might have died countless times.

"Almost!" Liu Sanjue was also sweating profusely.

"Roar..." Suddenly, a shocking roar of beasts sounded in the sky, and the huge beast shadows of Yuqi and Gudiao fell from the sky.

Su Muyun is here! Gu Fenghua and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is just a demon soul, the bloodline pressure of the ancient beast is still there. With the appearance of the 猰貐 and Gu eagle demon souls, the purple soul beasts below were trembling all over, and their offensive was suddenly much weaker.

Two monster beasts fell into the group of beasts and swung their sharp claws. In just a moment, nearly a hundred purple soul beasts turned into nothingness, and many were torn into pieces by the powerful monster soul power.

At the same time, Gu Fenghua and others killed nearly a thousand purple soul beasts with long sword slashes.

"Okay!" Taking this opportunity, Liu Sanjue finally made the last hand seal and embedded the Sect Master's Order into the formation.

In an instant, hundreds of sword rays emerged from the formation, forming a sword formation. The sword formation rose into the air, and sudden thorns fell down.

"Ouch..." Around Gu Fenghua and others, hundreds of purple soul beasts screamed in unison and disappeared in an instant. But Gu Fenghua and others, who were also in the sword formation, were unscathed. This was obviously because of Ling, a disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect.

"So this is the no-kill formation, it's so powerful." Luo Enen said in amazement.

Gu Fenghua was a little surprised. Although Wuji Shengtian's major sects and cities have large defensive formations, they usually block the enemy from the outside. Once the enemy breaks the formation and enters the interior, it is difficult to have much effect. Beiyuan City's defensive formations The reason why the formation is powerful is that it not only blocks the enemy from the outside, but also kills the enemy from within.

However, the defensive formation of Beiyuan City requires the help of the power of demon spirits, but the Jade Cauldron Sect's forbidden killing formation relies entirely on the power of the formation. Even though it is less powerful, it is also more fragile and easier to damage. , but when it comes to exquisiteness and mystery, it is not much worse than the defensive formation of Beiyuan City.

No wonder the Jade Cauldron Sect has such a transcendent status in the Lingji Realm, and it is truly well-deserved.

"This time, the Purple Soul Beast came too suddenly, and the disciples of the Jade Cauldron Sect were a little weaker in cultivation. They didn't have time to activate the anti-kill formation in time, otherwise they would never have fallen into such a desperate situation." Liu Sanjue also sighed with emotion.

If he had not been expelled from the school and stayed in the Jade Cauldron Sect, his cultivation level would have been limited and he would have been caught off guard and would not have had the chance to activate the no-kill formation.

After sighing, Liu Sanjue continued to another no-kill formation under the protection of Gu Fenghua and others.

This is also the shortcoming of the Jade Cauldron Sect's no-kill formation. It is not flexible enough and requires an order from the sect leader to activate it.

Sensing the danger, the beasts became even more violent. Even the purple soul beasts that were besieging the sect master's hall and trying to rush out of the valley turned around, roared and rushed towards Gu Fenghua and others.

However, with Su Muyun's helping hand, Gu Fenghua and others felt much more relaxed.

One after another, the sword light and the shadow of the demon soul beast fell one after another. The area a few feet away from everyone became blank, and no demon beast could get close.

Liu Sanjue calmly activated the killing formations one after another. Under the sword formations, there was no corpse left of the purple soul beast.

There were fewer and fewer purple soul beasts around, and finally, a bloodthirsty demon lizard let out a low whimper, and ran away deep into the valley, trembling all over.

Purple Soul Beasts have not completely lost their wisdom. They also know fear when facing the truly strong. The fear spread among the beasts like weeds, and the remaining nearly a thousand purple soul beasts followed closely and fled deep into the valley.

"Kill!" Zhong Lingxiu shouted, leading the strong men from various sects and Chu Qingxuan and others into the barrier.

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