Gu Fenghua gave the master and apprentice a sympathetic look: No wonder Wei Qingkong likes to put his face in front of his slap so much. Dare to love is the inheritance of his master. No, Wei Qingkong just likes to find a fan, and he needs someone to cooperate. However, this Master Nanmingjun is beating himself up, and he doesn't need anyone to cooperate. He is more ruthless than his disciple.

It is said that the master is better than the master, but if Wei Qingkong wants to surpass his master, it will be difficult, really difficult!

"Perhaps, only this space crack was caused by man-made things, and the other cracks broke on their own. It's normal that the emperors and envoys didn't notice it." Seeing how embarrassed the master and the disciple were, Chen Yanjun helped to smooth things over.

"That's not necessarily the case, because this time the Purple Heaven Prison barrier broke too suddenly, and we didn't have time to refine enough formation disks. The formation disks refined by the formation masters were also uneven, so they were not sealed to such an extent. , and the action was too hasty, so no abnormalities were found. If we investigate carefully, it might be the same result." Shangguan Haochen said.

This is consistent with Gu Fenghua's guess. She also believes that with the strength of Shangguan Haochen and others, if they investigate carefully, they will never find anything. Mostly it was because the array levels were uneven, the range of the barriers set was too large, and the attacks were too hasty.

"Brother Haochen, how about we go back to the first few space cracks and see what's going on?" Nie Shitian said with a solemn expression.

If the Purple Heaven Prison barrier was really man-made, then the situation would be more serious than they expected and would be more difficult to deal with.

"Okay, we'll go back and take a look later." Shangguan Haochen nodded.

This matter was too important, and he didn't dare to jump to conclusions. He still had to go to another space crack to see for sure.

"Fenghua, how did you create this barrier?" Shangguan Haochen asked Gu Fenghua curiously.

"You only need to temper the formation disk again." Gu Fenghua said.

"Can you re-temper the array?" Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others were already surprised. This time they all looked calm after hearing Gu Fenghua's words. Shangguan Haochen, Li Canyang, Nie Shitian and others were shocked, and even Song Nanming couldn't help but look back at her.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua said.

"It just so happens that I still have some array disks here. You can help me temper them once." Shangguan Haochen would not be polite to Gu Fenghua. With his face, he probably didn't have the word politeness in his mind. Hearing this, he immediately took out a Storage bracelet.

"I have them here too." Li Canyang said.

"I have one too." Nie Shitian also took out a storage bracelet.

Speaking of which, it would be a bit embarrassing to spread the word that the dignified Lord asked a young junior for help. But even the Eighteen Kings made the capital not afraid of embarrassment. What did they have to be afraid of? Besides, since the battle at the ancient ruins, how could they treat Gu Fenghua as a junior? Only Shangguan Haochen was so thick-skinned.

Song Nanming's lips moved, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

"The Wuji Holy Heaven is in danger, why are you putting on such a stinky air as a king? No matter how much face you have, you can't have as much face as me, Shangguan Haochen. Come here quickly." Shangguan Haochen glared at Song Nanming angrily.

Song Nanming's old face turned red again. He was really embarrassed to ask a junior for help. However, after Shangguan Haochen said this, he felt much calmer. He took a few steps forward and took out a storage bracelet and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

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