My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5463 5463 Known as the No. 1 Weapon Sect in the World

This old man slapped himself in the face today, and his face was almost swollen. Although she didn't do it intentionally, it was ultimately related to her. Even if he didn't hate her deeply, he should still have a grudge against her. Why would he take the initiative to ask?

"Miss Gu, don't get me wrong. I'm not coveting your weapon refining skills. Nowadays, Wuji Holy Heaven is in great danger. Although our cultivation level is quite passable, we still have some shortcomings in the formation and weaponry. If you can use this weapon refining technique, If you teach us your skills, it will definitely be of great help. By then, it will not only be a few of us who will benefit, but hundreds of millions of people around the world will also benefit from your grace.

Don't worry, we won't ask for your weapon refining skills in vain. If you have any materials or treasures that you need, or if you need any help, just ask, and we will do our best. "Song Nanming saw Gu Fenghua's doubts and said seriously.

In fact, as soon as Song Nanming opened his mouth, Gu Fenghua guessed his intention. But she didn't expect that this old man, who had just lost all his face, would completely wipe out his face for the sake of the safety of the world and humbly ask her for advice on the art of refining weapons, as if it had nothing to do with her just now.

It's no wonder that he ranks among the Eighteen Envoys and is regarded as the most powerful envoy after Shangguan. His magnanimity and magnanimity are really not comparable to those of his eldest grandson Luocang or Duan Qingyun. Gu Fenghua was in awe of Song Nanming.

"Your Majesty, the safety of the world is related to the survival of the people. How dare Fenghua hide his secrets. However, my set of Tianxuan Weapon Techniques is very different from ordinary weapon refining techniques. If you practice it now, I am afraid it will be a little late." Gu Fenghua thought for a while and said.

The entire Wuji Holy Heaven is in danger, so of course she won't hide anything. But the Tianxuan Weapon Skill is unparalleled. If it weren't for the fact that the weapon refining techniques taught to her by her brothers in the early years came from the supreme heaven, returning to nature and returning to nature, which can be called the foundation of weapon skills, she would never have learned it so easily. Although Song Nanming and others have strong cultivation skills, when it comes to the art of weapon refining, they are not very talented. Moreover, after practicing the art of weapon refining for so many years, they have more or less gained their own insights. , it is obviously too late to practice the Tianxuan Weapon Art at this time. By the time they learn it, Wuji Shengtian will have either survived the disaster or been destroyed countless times.

"That's true." Song Nanming knew that what Gu Fenghua said was true, but he was still a little disappointed, and Shangguan Haochen and Li Canyang were no exception.

"Well, I'm not the only one who knows the Tianxuan Weapon Technique. Most other people in the Burning Sky Sect can also do it. When the time comes, the formation disk can be handed over to them for re-tempering." Gu Fenghua pondered for a moment and then said to several envoys.

Xuantian Artifact is the foundation of Burning Heaven Sect, and all disciples practice it. Even if ordinary disciples can only learn the first few realms, they should be able to do it if they just re-temper the array, it just takes a little more effort. Just a little time. But there are many people in Fentian Sect, so even if one person does it alone, it will take more time, but if they do it together, they will not make any mistakes.

"Burning Sky Sect, you mean the Burning Sky Sect that used to be known as the best weapon sect in the world?"

"I heard that the Burning Sky Sect was destroyed for many years. Could it be that you are talking about another Burning Sky Sect?" The Burning Sky Sect was really famous back then, and even several envoys had heard about it. After hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Shangguan Haochen and others were surprised and confused.

"The Burning Sky Sect was destroyed, but a disciple managed to escape. Yi changed his name and established another sect, and passed down the Burning Sky Sect's weapon refining skills. Now, later generations of disciples have returned to their hometown to rebuild the sect, but they are afraid of attracting their former enemies. So I haven't come out yet." Gu Fenghua explained simply.

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