My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5465 5465 Can’t he run away?

After all, the eldest grandson Luocang was also one of the Eighteen Envoys, so his sudden death would naturally be announced to the world. Because he died at the hands of a few young juniors, Tianji Shengjun was embarrassed to tell the truth to the outside world and only said that he had reached the end of his life. Therefore, even the envoys did not know that he died at the hands of others, and they did not expect that this other person was Gu Fenghua.

Even if Changsun Luocang's strength is at the bottom among the Eighteen Envoys, he is the oldest and most qualified, and he is proficient in formations. How can he be so easy to kill? Even if he couldn't fight, couldn't he run?

Compared to Song Nanming's surprise, the other envoys, Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and other powerful people from the Holy Sect were much calmer. If it were just Gu Fenghua, it would not be easy to kill Changsun Luocang with her cultivation of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. But don’t forget that she also has a ninth-grade Emperor Saint, four eighth-grade Emperor Saints, and three third-grade Emperor Saints beside her. If he was at the peak of the seventh level of Emperor Saint, if he planned carefully, it would not be surprising to take advantage of his unpreparedness to attack and plot, and join forces to kill the eldest grandson Luocang.

They didn't know that when Gu Fenghua and others killed Changsun Luocang, they were not that strong at all. They did not rely on a comprehensive plan, let alone a surprise attack and plot.

"The grandson Luocang died half a year ago. Weren't you still in the far north ice field at that time?" Shangguan Haochen asked strangely.

Not long after they separated from Gu Fenghua and others, they heard the news of the death of their eldest grandson Luocang. No matter how fast Gu Fenghua and others were, they would not be able to reach Tianji Territory in such a short time.

"We were indeed in the Far North Icefield at that time, but Changsun Luocang also arrived at the Far North Icefield," Gu Fenghua said.

"The eldest grandson Luocang has also come to the Far North Icefield. What's going on?" Several envoys' expressions darkened.

Each envoy has his own jurisdiction. Other envoys usually will not set foot there easily unless they have to. Even if they want to go, they must either say hello in advance or be aboveboard to show their integrity. Changsun Luocang will leave Tianji Domain quietly. Traveling to the Spiritual Realm and the Far North Icefield was already a big taboo.

"For a piece of heavenly material and earthly treasure..." Gu Fenghua described the situation of that day in detail. Changsun Luocang did not hide the fact that he used the soul-stealing technique to kill his disciples. He just replaced the abyss of the sky with an ancient ruins, Qianqiu Xue with heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the matter of Tianji Holy Lord tearing apart the void was also omitted. Don’t mention it.

After all, the matter involves the abyss, which is too shocking, and it is not appropriate for outsiders to know about the mysterious broken space and the existence of the old man.

"I didn't expect that Changsun Luocang would do such a heartless thing!" After hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Song Nanming was filled with indignation, and the faces of the other envoys also became even worse.

Changsun Luocang just sneaked into the Spiritual Realm for the sake of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. He actually stole people's spiritual roots to train his disciples. Finally, he used the spirit-stealing technique on his disciples to improve their cultivation. Such perverse actions, and even They were all ashamed of it.

"Don't worry, Fenghua. The eldest grandson, Luocang, is an outrageous person. He deserves to die. We will make the decision for you!" Shangguan Haochen said loudly.

"Sage Tianji must have been deceived as well. If he knew the truth, he wouldn't make things difficult for you. We will mediate for you then. You don't have to worry about anything." Li Canyang and Nie Shitian also said with relief. Speaking of this, of course they could also think that what Gu Fenghua was worried about was actually Tianji Shengjun.

"Fenghua thanks the seniors!" Gu Fenghua said gratefully.

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