My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5482 5482 That’s as you wish

"Forget it, that's as you wish." Duan Qingyun made a decisive decision and drew out his long sword, his face once again showing the arrogance and domineering attitude of a monarch.

At this time, Duan Qingyun would never have imagined how stupid his decision was. By the time he reacted, he was already regretting it.

"One sword, kill the great wilderness!" Just when Duan Qingyun secretly sneered, Gu Fenghua had already slashed out with one sword.

Although Duan Qingyun was tortured to death in Chengyun Valley last time and was finally forced to flee, Gu Fenghua knew very well that if Duan Qingyun hadn't been suppressed by Ye Yunji's holy dragon bloodline, it might not have been known who would win. .

Therefore, even though her cultivation had reached the middle stage of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint, she still did not dare to be careless at all. Once she took action, she used all her strength to concentrate the holy energy and divine thoughts to the extreme.

Nine golden holy beads suddenly appeared between the eyebrows.

"The Ninth Grade Emperor Saint, she is the Ninth Grade Emperor Saint!" There was a burst of uncontrollable exclamations in the crowd, and even the disciples of the three major holy sects widened their eyes.

The little-known Qingyang Sect not only has a second-grade Emperor Saint, three fifth-grade Emperor Saints, and an eighth-grade Emperor Saint, but its sect leader has also reached the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. More importantly, this sect master is still so young!

Not to mention outsiders, even Yu Boqian, Weng Yuanming and others were stunned, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground. They had known that their sect leader's qualifications were beyond the pale and could not be measured by common sense, but they did not expect that when they met again, Gu Fenghua's cultivation would reach such a level.

Sure enough, he was right. With such a sect leader, why worry about the sect not being prosperous! After this battle, the Burning Heaven Sect will definitely become famous all over the world, and he will also go down in history as the founding elder of the sect! Weng Yuanming, Yao Wenshan, and Zeng Ning'an were so excited that they couldn't stop shaking.

Duan Qingyun was also shocked when he saw the nine golden holy beads between Gu Fenghua's eyebrows, and an ominous premonition suddenly came into his heart.

It's a pity that there was no turning back when he opened the bow. It was too late for him to stop now. Besides, under the eyes of everyone, he couldn't stop unless he didn't even want to lose the face of the envoy.

"Buzz..." Without hesitation, Duan Qingyun fiercely drew out the sword from his waist.

However, she is only in the middle stage of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. Her true cultivation level has surpassed the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. How could she still be afraid of her? Duan Qingyun's mind quickly swept over the people behind Gu Fenghua, but he still didn't find Ye Yunji's presence, and he quickly felt relieved.

The holy energy circulated and was injected into the long sword. Nine dazzling golden holy beads appeared between Duan Qingyun's eyebrows. A mysterious and majestic energy suddenly surged between heaven and earth. The energy suppressed his body. But his aura was increasing rapidly.

"What's going on?" The momentum is obviously increasing rapidly, but it is suppressed by the heaven and earth energy. This situation is extremely weird, and many people have doubts on their faces.

"Heaven and Earth Restriction. Your Majesty's cultivation has exceeded the limit of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, so you have triggered the Heaven and Earth Restriction!" A Bifeng Sect elder said in surprise.

Others were confused, but as an elder of the Holy Sect, he was well-informed and could tell what was going on at a glance.

Beside him, the other elders of the Holy Sect were also beaming with joy.

The sect leader was seriously injured and was forced to bow to the Qingyang Sect. This was undoubtedly a great shame for the three holy sects. I thought that with the help of Lord Qingyun, I would be able to destroy the Qingyang Sect and avenge the shame of the three major holy sects. Who would have known that the leader of the Qingyang Sect was actually a powerful man at the peak of the ninth rank of Emperor Sage.

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