My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5484: Taking advantage of your illness to kill you

In this holy realm, they are the masters of all things. Even if they are as strong as Duan Qingyun, they cannot cross the peak limit of the ninth grade Emperor Saint.

Originally, she was still thinking that with the cultivation of herself, Luo Enen and others as ninth-grade, eighth-grade and seventh-grade emperor saints, plus a concentrated sword, even if they could not defeat Duan Qingyun, they would still be able to fight. If you're lucky, you might be able to bring him down. But now, Gu Fenghua knew that he actually underestimated himself.

Holding the long sword tightly in his right hand, Gu Fenghua continued to inject holy energy into it. Gu Fenghua raised his left hand slightly, and a bloody light flashed quietly in his palm.

Duan Qingyun did not expect that not only Gu Fenghua would be promoted to the middle stage of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, but Luo Enen and others' cultivation would also reach the seventh-grade of the eighth-grade Emperor Saint. He also did not expect that their joint sword would actually condense the holy realm. , suppressing his cultivation at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, and could no longer break through even half a point.

I remember that during the first fight, he relied on his powerful cultivation and spiritual will to suppress Gu Fenghua and others, making it difficult for them to even use a joint sword. Unexpectedly, in this fight, he was suppressed by the opponent. Duan Qingyun was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The only thing that made him happy was that the power of Gu Fenghua and others' joint sword did not surpass the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. Even if he could not break the limit, he was still on par with them. With the solid foundation laid by tens of thousands of years of hard work, he could still reach the peak level. Are you afraid that you won't be able to hold them back to death?

Duan Qingyun's thoughts changed rapidly, and he had the same idea as Gu Fenghua before. But it was obvious that he had overlooked something.

In mid-air, the towering sword light that focused his concentration was met by the sword light that Duan Qingyun slashed with all his strength. The sword power is both at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, so it is really difficult to distinguish between them. The people around him were afraid of being harmed by Chi Yu, so they retreated again.

At this moment, a blood-colored demon sword appeared out of the sky, and together with the focused sword light, it slashed at Duan Qingyun's head.

Holy pattern! Duan Qingyun finally realized what he had overlooked.

The scenes in Chengyun Valley came to mind. Duan Qingyun was horrified and retreated hastily. But when he retreated, it was already too late.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, the sword light he slashed out with all his strength broke from it and turned into a cloud of smoke.

Immediately, a bloody demon knife struck him hard on the chest.

"Crack" The holy energy shield that was hastily set up broke apart with a sound, and Duan Qingyun's face suddenly turned pale and he flew out.

Lord Qingyun was no match for them, he didn't even block a single move! There was dead silence in the crowd, everyone was completely stunned, and even their minds went blank.

While you are sick, I will kill you! Gu Fenghua and others were not in a daze. Before Duan Qingyun could stabilize his body, he raised his sword again.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

Amidst the clear shouts, the sword lights slashed down one after another, condensed into one, and fell towards Duan Qingyun like a storm with a sky-shattering force. Among them, there is also a blood-colored demon knife that takes people's hearts.

Under the suppression of the Holy Domain, Duan Qingyun was unable to break through the peak limit of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint and show his true strength. He could only grit his teeth and swing the sword with all his strength again and again. However, under the powerful offensive of Gu Fenghua and others' concentrated swords and Cangchen's sacred pattern, the sword light swung with all their strength was broken again and again, and turned into clouds and smoke again and again.

Amidst the crunching sounds of "kick-kick-kick-kick", the protective air shields also broke one after another.

"Poof!" Finally, Duan Qingyun spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned as pale as paper.

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