My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5487 This is the day 5487 has been waiting for!

Moreover, the Wuji Holy Sky is in danger. If she destroys the three Holy Sects at once, she will definitely attract a lot of criticism. The Burning Sky Sect is likely to become the target of public criticism. This is not the result she wants.

Of course, she would not let go of these three holy sects easily. After knocking down this trap, I believe that the three major holy sects will not be able to recover for tens of thousands of years. They will become weaker and weaker every year and will eventually fall apart or be destroyed at the hands of other sects. It is not surprising for Fentian. Zong Ye will never pose any threat again.

"Thank you, Sect Master Gu. Thank you, Sect Master Gu. We will definitely remember your kindness today." Kang and An's hearts were dripping with blood, but they kept saying thank you.

"Also, the Qingyang Sect was originally inherited from the Burning Sky Sect. From now on, it will be renamed the Burning Sky Sect!" After thinking about it, Gu Fenghua circulated his holy energy and spoke loudly.

Lord Luocang is dead. Today, he defeated the three major holy sects and severely damaged Lord Qingyun. Qingyang Sect will definitely become famous in one battle, and it is time to restore the name of Burning Heaven Sect.

Burning Sky Sect, the sect leader is talking about Burning Sky Sect! Gu Fenghua's voice echoed in the mountains, so clear and yet solemn that Yu Boqian and the former Qingyang Sect disciples cried with joy.

The Qingyang Sect has been passed down from generation to generation and has been waiting for this day! For this day, countless seniors from the sect have worked hard and fought for it all their lives. I originally thought that I would never be able to realize the long-cherished wish of my predecessors in this life, and I could only live with regrets like them. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that the Burning Heaven Sect would really reappear in the sky, and appear in front of the world again in such a powerful posture.

Burning Sky Sect, it turns out that the Qingyang Sect in front of you is the Burning Sky Sect that was famous all over the world in the past and was known as the leader of the world's weapon sects! There was a burst of noise among the crowd of onlookers, and everyone looked at Kang Hean and others with more pity in their eyes.

Although the Burning Sky Sect was destroyed overnight that year, after so many years, when the name of the Burning Sky Sect is mentioned, the elders of the sect who have some experience and perspective are still familiar with it. It would be fine if the Burning Sky Sect was really destroyed, but since it can be passed down to the present, its heritage is not comparable to that of the ordinary Holy Sect. It is no wonder that Gu Fenghua has such strength.

The Bifeng Sect, the Evergreen Sect, and the Cangyun Sect relied on the name of the Holy Sect to bully the Burning Sky Sect. Isn't that asking for death?

They didn't know that Gu Fenghua didn't have such strength because of the Burning Sky Sect, but that the Burning Sky Sect became so powerful because of her.

But this is not important. After seeing Gu Fenghua's strength, coupled with the inherent prestige of the Burning Sky Sect, from now on, no one will dare to have any idea of ​​the Burning Sky Sect, and no one will dare to be disrespectful to the Burning Sky Sect. !

With awe, everyone bowed to Gu Fenghua and then dispersed.

"It's a pity that Duan Qingyun ran away in the end." Weng Yuanming said with a sigh, and the Burning Sky Sect disciples behind him also looked regretful.

Although Duan Qingyun was seriously injured and escaped, God knows if there is any natural treasure or panacea for this old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years to restore his cultivation. If he cannot be killed on the spot, it will not make people feel at ease after all.

It's a pity that their cultivation is too weak and they can't help much. They can only watch Duan Qingyun escape from Longyin Mountain. In fact, when faced with powerful men at the level of emperors and envoys, not to mention them, even Zhong Lingxiu, the ninth-grade emperor saint, and Fang Muyun, the eighth-grade emperor saint, had no chance to take action.

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