My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5489 5489The only thing he can be sure of is

The only thing he can be sure of is that sooner or later the reputation of the No. 1 Holy Sect in the world will fall on the Burning Sky Sect, and the Shengyuan Sect attached to the Burning Sky Sect will also become one of the most powerful sects in the world. one!

Thinking of his original decision, Yuan Daoling felt deeply grateful.

"Elder Yu, our Burning Heaven Sect has no grudges against those holy sects. What caused today's incident?" After a few polite words with Weng Yuanming and others, Gu Fenghua asked Yu Boqian again.

When they rushed to the Burning Sky Sect, they saw Duan Qingyun preparing to take action. Although they could vaguely hear the identity of the other party from the comments of the onlookers, they still didn't know the reason for the dispute between these major Holy Sects and the Burning Sky Sect. rise.

"Don't you know, Lord Sect Master?" Yu Boqian was slightly startled, but quickly realized that Gu Fenghua and others had just come back, and they still didn't know what was going on.

"Half a month ago, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky of Longyin Mountain. There were colorful rays of light rising into the sky. It seemed that a treasure from heaven and earth was born. Strong men from various sects came to Longyin Mountain to hunt for treasures." Before Gu Fenghua could speak, Yu Boqian immediately spoke again. Then he said.

"Have you found it? What kind of treasure is it?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

"Of course they haven't been found. If they were found, there would be no need for them to come to Burning Heaven Sect today." Fatty Bai answered helpfully.

"That's true." Luo Enen patted his forehead and shut up decisively.

"Master Bai is right." Yu Boqian looked at Fatty Bai with admiration. Although this truth is very simple and can be thought of with just a little thought, Mr. Bai is a close friend of the lord of the sect, and there is nothing wrong with flattering him if he has the opportunity.

"My surname is Jun, Jun Lansheng." Fatty Bai said speechlessly.

"Ahem, by the way, it's Mr. Jun." Yu Boqian looked embarrassed. He was usually used to being a fat man and a fat man, so why did he forget that his surname was Jun.

"Not only did they not find it, we started looking for it when the alien phenomenon first appeared, but we also found nothing. We originally thought that we could not find the treasures of heaven and earth, and the matter would just go unresolved. Who knows, but the three major holy sects found that The natural treasure fell into the hands of our Burning Heaven Sect, and on the pretext of missing the sect-protecting spiritual beast, we insisted on searching inside the sect.

If it was still the Qingyang Sect of the past, if they wanted to search, they could just do it. But now the old site of the Burning Sky Sect is still hidden in the sect, and the treasure house also contains the rare treasures left by the predecessors. If they were lost, If you fall into their eyes, they will definitely not give up. How can we make them achieve their wish?

Thanks to Youyuan Chongfeng and Elder Weng, Elder Yao, Elder Zeng, Elder Fang and other adults, the sect leader rushed back in time, otherwise our Fentian Sect would definitely suffer another disaster this time. "Knowing that he accidentally slapped the horse's leg by flattering him, Yu Boqian didn't dare to talk to Mr. Bai anymore... No, it was Mr. Jun who said too much, so he quickly changed his mind.

At the end, Yu Boqian was overjoyed, and looked at Gu Fenghua with even more admiration: If the Burning Sky Sect didn't have such a sect leader, how could it be possible for the Burning Sky Sect to serve the Burning Sky Sect with the strength of Yuan Daoling, Weng Yuanming and others? . Others don’t know what the Burning Heaven Sect was like in the past. Don’t they still know? In addition to the foundation left by the ancestors of the sect, the strength is actually far inferior to that of even a middle-grade sect.

"Lost protecting sect spirit beast? They can come up with such a shameless reason!" Hearing this, Fatty Bai and others looked with disdain. Even Miss Luo, who always thought she was quite thick-skinned, felt sorry for the three of them. The Great Holy Sect was shocked by this shameless behavior.

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