The huge power of heaven and earth continued to bombard the restriction, and the colorful rays of light rose into the sky, projecting a huge temple in mid-air, like a mirage, but the restriction was still unable to be opened.

"How long do we have to wait?" Luo Enen was still watching with interest at first, but as time went by, he started to yawn.

"Wait slowly." Gu Fenghua said.

The strength of the restriction in the Netherworld Temple was far beyond her imagination. Looking at the situation, it might not be possible to break it even in ten days and a half.

"Fenghua, why don't you think of a way, and we'll work harder," Luo Enen said.

"If you want to die on your own, don't drag us along." Gu Fenghua said angrily.

The power of this power of heaven and earth even made her secretly frightened, and she had no interest in seeking death.

"I'm afraid that if I start late, the benefits will be taken by others. We are close to the water, so we should get more benefits. Besides, we were the ones who found the Netherworld Temple. We can't let outsiders take advantage of it," Luo Enen explained. said.

Only then did Gu Fenghua and others realize that Miss Luo had this idea.

As soon as the Netherworld Temple appeared, there was such a big commotion, and even a mirage appeared. I am afraid that it won't take long for this news to spread throughout the Wuji Holy Heaven, and countless holy alchemy masters and weapon refiners swarmed in. If the restriction was delayed until then, Gu Fenghua would not be able to risk the disapproval of the world and exclude everyone from the mountain gate. I am afraid that he would actually make wedding clothes for others.

Perhaps, we should really listen to Lorne's advice. Gu Fenghua was a little moved.

"By the way, didn't Sect Master Liang say that as long as we have that jade stone, we can open the passage and enter the Netherworld Temple, how about we try?" Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua have a good understanding, and there is no need for her to speak, just look at her expression, He knew that she was a little moved by his suggestion, so he suggested to strike while the iron was hot.

"But Sect Master Liang also said that if you use this jade to enter the Netherworld Temple, there will be many dangers. If you are not careful, your life may be in danger." Ye Wuse said cautiously.

"What are you afraid of? We are now strong men of the eighth level of the Emperor's Saint. Fenghua and Lingxiu have reached the ninth level of the Emperor's Saint. What kind of danger can't we deal with?" Luo Enen said disapprovingly.

Gu Fenghua suddenly felt that Luo Enen was a little swollen. As his strength increased, his tendency to seek death became more and more obvious recently.

"If I guessed correctly, the jade stone given to me by Sect Master Liang and the scroll handed down from ancient times by the Jade Cauldron Sect should have been a set, but later the jade stone was separated for some reason. If the two work together to break the restriction, there should be no danger, but Relying on jade alone, even if the passage is opened, there will be many dangers on the one hand, and the gains will not be too big on the other. In fact, the gains will outweigh the losses." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

"Feng Hua is right. Just relying on jade to open the passage will definitely not bring much gain. Otherwise, if Chen Star Sect can at least be ranked among the Holy Sects, how could it be forced into desperation by Zhan Xin Sect." Ye Wuse said.

"Oh, forget it then." Miss Luo was immediately discouraged when she heard that the harvest was not great.

Although with the improvement of her cultivation, Miss Luo has activated the death-seeking attribute after the Tiankeng attribute, she still won't do anything stupid like committing suicide without any benefit.

"In fact, there is no need to worry. The biggest gain from entering the Netherworld Temple is not the treasures of heaven and earth, but the improvement of the understanding of alchemy and magic weapons. If you don't have the qualifications, it will be useless no matter how early you enter. If you have the qualifications, it will be the same if you enter at the latest. He can achieve the title of Alchemy Lord and Weapon Lord." Yuandaoling said.

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