My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5498 5498 Thinking of Gu Fenghua and others

"Yes, Lord Sect Master." Several elders bowed and responded.

Not long after, the leader of the Jingyue Sect rose into the sky, leading an elder and five disciples to fly towards the direction of Longyin Mountain.

At the same time, in the Tianji Realm, Xuanji Realm, Lingji Realm, and in the major cities, ancient teleportation formations were opened one after another, and a famous Alchemy Master, a Weapon Master, or a powerful sect was hidden in the world. Xiu, stepped onto the teleportation formation and rushed in the same direction.

Although these teleportation formations are often damaged and difficult to repair, and are never used easily on weekdays, the Wuji Holy Heaven is in crisis, and the emergence of the Netherworld Temple may be able to save the entire continent, but no one will do it here. Always be stingy with teleportation formations.

Of course, not everyone is qualified to use the teleportation formation. If the alchemy weapon skills are too mediocre and there is no outstanding strength background, you can only look at the mirage-like magnificent temple in the distant sky and sigh secretly.

Tianji Domain, a large hall deep in Tianji Palace, the heavy door slowly opened, revealing the cold and majestic face of Tianji Holy Lord, but compared with the past, his eyes were obviously a little more tired, and his face was a little gray, and his whole person They all look much older.

"Subordinates (disciples) pay homage to the Holy Lord!" Several old men bowed to the ground and said respectfully.

Although they could see that Tianji Shengjun looked exhausted and his spiritual power was clearly depleted, they did not dare to mention a word.

"Get up. I've been in seclusion for many days. Is there any trouble outside?" Tianji Shengjun waved his hand and asked lightly.

"There are many cracks in the Purple Heaven Prison barrier. There are envoys from the three extreme regions, but there is no big chaos. But..." an old man below said, but hesitated at the end.

"But what?" Tianji Sage asked.

"However, the Netherworld Temple reappeared in Longyin Mountain a few days ago, and it seems that it was much earlier than we expected." The old man said, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Netherworld Temple..." Tianji Holy Lord frowned and remained silent.

"Now the alchemy masters and weapon masters from all regions are rushing to Longyin Mountain. I wonder if something bad will happen?" An old man below said worriedly.

"It's a pity that the eldest grandson Luocang died too early. If he hadn't died, even if the Netherworld Temple reappeared, just one or two Alchemy Masters and Weapon Masters would not be able to make any waves for a while." Another old man sighed and said .

Hearing him mention the eldest grandson Luocang, Tianji Shengjun felt a little upset. He has been planning for this major event for tens of thousands of years, and Changsun Luocang is the most important part of it. This is also the reason why he tolerates and protects Changsun Luocang in every possible way.

Who would have thought that just when something big was about to come true, that useless good-for-nothing would die at the hands of a few ridiculously young men, forcing him to advance his plan and make another dangerous move at the same time.

Thinking of Changsun Luocang, he couldn't help but think of Gu Fenghua and others, with a bit of anger on his face: If he hadn't known that they had died in the abyss, he would have wished to cut their bodies into pieces, destroy their souls, and make them Never be reincarnated forever.

"Lord Holy Lord, do you want us to go to the Netherworld Temple too?" an old man asked tentatively.

"No need, now that the arrow is on the string, we must not act rashly to avoid causing trouble." The Holy Lord Tianji waved his hand and directly dismissed his idea.

"Everything outside has been arranged. You should stay in Tianji Palace to recharge your batteries. Don't go out without my order." The Holy Lord Tianji gave an order and turned around to walk towards the cold main hall. .

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