My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5510 5510 He has an intuition

"Master Zhuang Valley, you came early, why didn't you see the two elders Taiqing and Taiyan?" At this time, more than ten old men entered the temple. Seeing Zhuang Taiping alone, someone asked doubtfully.

Although Jade Pill Valley's background is not deep and its strength is average, as an alchemy sect, it has a small reputation in the world of alchemy and weaponry. At this time, everyone who came to the Nether Temple was an alchemy master, so they all recognized Zhuang Taiyan, and also knew that the three brothers had always been in focus. At this time, they only saw Zhuang Taiping, but not Zhuang Taiqing and Zhuang Taiyan. They couldn't help but Something strange.

"They just sensed an opportunity in the past few days and will come back when they have a breakthrough." Zhuang Taiping was embarrassed to say that his two younger brothers had been kicked out of the Netherworld Temple, so he found an excuse and said perfunctorily.

"Congratulations to the two elders, you actually realized the opportunity at this time." An old man said enviously.

At their age, regardless of their level of cultivation, it is already difficult for them to make breakthroughs. It is indeed gratifying that the two brothers Zhuang Taiqing and Zhuang Taiyan realized the opportunity for breakthrough - of course, he did not know that this was just Zhuang Taiping's casual remarks. Just perfunctory.

"Master Zhuang Valley, how about we comprehend the talisman formation first?" the old man continued.

"I'll wait for Taiqing and Taiyan, you guys come first." Zhuang Taiyan said.

Although he saw with his own eyes that Luo Enen and others could easily break the talisman array, and even saw Gu Fenghua break two major talisman arrays of Dan magic weapon and magic at the same time, he also saw that Zhuang Taiqing was blasted out of the palace after making a slight mistake. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of these people. You know, his alchemy attainments are not much better than Zhuang Taiqing's.

"Forget it, let's come here first. If one of us wins the position of Alchemy Lord first, Master Zhuang Valley, don't regret it." The old man said jokingly.

"Dan Jun?" Zhuang Taiping suddenly thought of Gu Fenghua again and said faintly, "I'm afraid it's not your turn, so don't think too much and just study the talisman formation honestly. A little gain is a little gain."

"What?" Everyone looked surprised.

"Not only the position of Alchemy Lord, but also the position of Weapon Lord is no longer possible." Zhuang Taiping continued after looking at the two weapon refiners in the crowd.

After saying that, he ignored the surprise and confusion in everyone's eyes and looked up at the talisman formation. Gu Fenghua's young and beautiful face once again appeared in his mind, as well as the handprint runes that implied the Taoist charm and seemed to be made from heaven.

He had an intuition that this time, Wuji Holy Heaven would not only give birth to a new Alchemy Lord and Weapon Lord, but it was also very likely that the title of Alchemy Lord and Weapon Lord would fall on the same person!

"Master Zhuang Valley, I don't know why you said this?" After hearing Zhuang Taiping's words, all the alchemy masters present looked confused.

"Could it be that some great Dan Dao master or Qi Dao master has taken the lead before?" Someone thought of something and guessed.

Zhuang Taiping remained silent and just nodded. Such an intuition was unbelievable even to him, and no one would believe it and might even laugh at him, so he didn't want to speak.

Of course Gu Fenghua didn't know that Zhuang Taiping was so deeply hit that not only did his hatred disappear, but he also placed such high hopes on himself. At this time, they were blocked by a closed door.

"No way, this is still going to be over." There is still no secret manual of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, no magic elixir, magic weapon, and artifact that Luo Enen has finally gotten better. His face is filled with tears. Frustrated.

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