"Yes, if it were really that simple, Alchemy Master and Qijun would have already become a sect of their own. If the disciples of the younger generation don't say that the master is better than the master, it wouldn't be too far behind. But as far as I know, all the previous Alchemy Masters and Qijun They all had no successors, and eventually even most of their unique skills were lost, leaving no inheritance at all." Gu Fenghua added.

She didn't want to hurt Luo Enen, but she also didn't want to see the greater her hopes, the greater her disappointment. Moreover, since the elixir recipe on the palace door was restricted and not everyone could see it, it would certainly not be easy to teach it to others. She didn't want Luo Enen to waste too much energy on it, so she had better pour it on her in advance. It is better to pour cold water on it.

"That's true." After hearing what Gu Fenghua said, Luo Enen was thoughtful.

After all, Miss Luo has her own sinkhole. She has been used to being hit since childhood, so she is not too disappointed.

"Let's get started." Gu Fenghua said no more, looked up and began to comprehend the talisman formation.

Compared with the previous talisman formations, these two talisman formations seemed much simpler, but Gu Fenghua knew that it was not that the talisman formations had become simpler, but that they were more incomplete.

As a result, it will of course become more difficult to fully understand and crack it.

It took a full six or seven hours for everyone to regain their minds. Luo Enen volunteered and was the first to make a handprint.

At this time, seven or eight more old men broke through the previous talisman formation, passed through the second palace gate, and came behind them, including Zhuang Taiping. However, Luo Enen already knew the consequences of failure in enlightenment or forcibly attacking the palace gate, so there was no need for anyone to ask for directions.

In fact, the method of stimulating generals is also a technical skill. It is okay to use it once in a while. If you use it often... Miss Luo is too lazy to use her brain.

The fire of the weapon swayed, imprinting the runes on the palace door, and the incomplete runes were completed bit by bit. Soon, a layer of sweat appeared on Luo Enen's forehead, and his face turned slightly pale.

Gu Fenghua secretly gathered his holy energy and was ready to rescue Luo Enen immediately if he failed.

Fortunately, Luo Enen still did not disappoint her this time. Although the speed of making hand seals became slower and slower, and later it became even more stumbling, as if every hand seal was made with all the strength, but in the end, the talisman formation was successfully broken. , disappeared behind the half-opened palace door.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuse, Zhong Lingxiu and others also made fingerprints one by one, broke the talisman formation one after another, and entered the third level of the temple.

"Which sect are they disciples from? They are so talented and accomplished at such a young age!" Seeing this, a famous alchemist and weapon master behind him couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

Not all holy alchemists or weapon refiners are qualified and confident to go to the Netherworld Temple. Those who can come in are all seniors who have been famous for many years. Of course, it is inevitable that some alchemists and weapon masters have the inherent arrogance.

Previously, they saw that Gu Fenghua and others dared to harbor delusions about the position of Lord of Danjun and Qijun at such a young age. They were as disapproving as the Zhuang Taiping brothers, but they were not as obvious as the three Zhuang brothers.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that they had made a mistake. The alchemy skills of these "juniors" in front of them were not inferior to them at all, and were even better than them - you know, they entered the second level of the temple. There have been times when no one has fully penetrated the talisman array, and many people have even doubted whether they can penetrate the talisman array. However, those "juniors" who are wishful thinking in their eyes have already taken the first step and entered the third level. Three major halls.

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