My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5514 5514 Believe in your own intuition

"Not bad." This time, Zhuang Taiping did not remain silent, but nodded vigorously and said decisively.

If he had some doubts about his intuition before, now, with the opening of the third palace door, the doubts in his heart are getting weaker and weaker, and he is becoming more and more convinced of his intuition...

Entering the third palace gate, after walking only a few feet, there is another palace door blocking the way.

This result was not beyond the expectations of Gu Fenghua and others, so this time, even Luo Enen could no longer see any disappointment or frustration on his face.

She could also feel that understanding the talisman array on the palace door would be of great benefit to her own weapon skills. Moreover, just as the talisman array was rotating and the palace door opened, the original incomplete weapon technique was directly imprinted on her mind. , which is correct word for word.

More importantly, the moment she passed through the palace door, a mysterious force quietly entered her meridians and was hidden deep in the sea of ​​​​qi.

This power is not overbearing, but it gives people a sense of endless life.

At first, she didn't know what this power was about? Before Gu Fenghua and others came in, she tried to practice the weapon tactics that had just been imprinted in her mind, and was surprised to find that with her own holy energy, she would not be able to use this set of weapons at all, or even connect the weapons. Fire cannot be condensed. Only by operating the mysterious power and integrating it into the holy energy can this set of weapons be used.

No wonder there are no successors to the alchemy masters in the past. It turns out that the alchemy weapon skills learned from the Netherworld Temple must be combined with this mysterious power that also comes from the Netherworld Temple to be used.

Gu Fenghua and others soon discovered the mystery and were amazed.

"Fenghua, what kind of power is this?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

Fatty Bai and others also looked at Gu Fenghua with puzzled faces. This power was so strange and had a mysterious aura. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't figure out the source of this power.

"It seems that it is somewhat similar to the heaven and earth weapon fire that was condensed last time by the Jiutian World-Destroying Gourd. It may be even stronger." Gu Fenghua looked inside intently, comprehended it carefully, and said.

"Yes, there are some similarities." Ye Wuse and others woke up from a dream, and then discovered that the aura contained in this mysterious power was somewhat similar to the heaven and earth weapon fire condensed by the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd. .

As for whether they are stronger, they can't feel it. After all, not everyone has as strong a mind as Gu Fenghua.

But this is not important. After getting the pill recipe, they also got the corresponding power. Everyone was still overjoyed.

"Go on." Gu Fenghua said no more and looked up at the two large talisman formations on the closed palace door.

Unsurprisingly, these two large talisman formations are more profound and mysterious, and more incomplete, but the alchemy weapon formulas in them are no longer one, but become two. You don't need to think about it to know that it is more difficult to crack these two talisman formations, but once you succeed, the benefits will be greater.

Luo Enen and others also looked at the palace door, immersing themselves in the talisman formation.

A few more hours passed, and everyone regained their concentration and made hand seals one after another.

This time, it was even more difficult for Luo Enen, but before the power of his spiritual thoughts was about to be exhausted, he finished the last hand seal and successfully entered the fourth palace gate. Ye Wuse, Zhong Lingxiu and others also successfully cracked the talisman array and disappeared before their eyes. However, Fang Tianyou had been studying for a long time, but he still could not fully understand the talisman array. Thinking of the dismal ending of the two brothers Zhuang Taiqing and Zhuang Taiyan, he decisively chose to give up and turned around. Walk towards the outside of the palace.

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