My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5517 5517 There is still hope

That old man was none other than Lu Hongdao, who had met Gu Fenghua several times and was hailed as a generation alchemy master.

"Alas, I thought that the position of Alchemy Lord this time must belong to Grandmaster Lu, but I didn't expect that even he failed." An old man next to him sighed and said in disappointment.

"Could it be that my method of the Wuji Holy Heaven Alchemy has declined to this point, and no one can attain it anymore?" Someone else said sadly.

"Not only the Alchemy Dao, but also the Artifact Dao will probably completely decline from now on. No one will be able to attain the Great Dao and ascend to the position of Lord of Artifacts." Someone looked at a lost-looking old man in the crowd in the distance and shook his head. .

That old man was Shen Muyun, who was known as the leader of the six great masters of the Wuji Holy Heaven. Standing next to him were several other masters of the Six Avenues: Xu Fang, Jiang Shangyuan, Yang Liangcheng, and Zhu Fangqi.

Originally, there was another master of the Six Great Weapon Dao, Ma Qianxiao. However, this man had a despicable character. He once tried to frame Gu Fenghua in Dongji City. After the incident was exposed, he was despised by Shen Muyun and others, so he was not embarrassed to come to Netherworld Temple this time.

Of course, he also has a reputation for self-knowledge. Knowing that with Shen Muyun and others around, he has no chance to compete for the position of Lord Qi, and he has no nerve to embarrass himself.

Facts have proved that Ma Qianxiao's decision was correct. Just half an hour ago, Shen Muyun and others also failed to prove the truth and missed the position of Lord of Qi. They had to silently withdraw from the temple. With Ma Qianxiao's strength, if he really came, he would only bring humiliation to himself.

Looking at the Alchemy Master Lu Hongdao, who had a dark face, and then at Shen Muyun, who seemed calm but could not conceal his disappointment, and the other five Weapon Masters, everyone present was worried.

The barrier of the Purple Heaven Prison is broken, and the Wuji Holy Heaven falls into the catastrophe of destruction. At this moment, the Netherworld Temple reappears. In everyone's eyes, this is the eternal holy heaven and a great sign of auspiciousness.

Once a new Alchemy Master is born, all major sects will benefit from it, their strength will be greatly improved, and they will be more confident in dealing with disasters.

Who knows, it has been more than a month since the Netherworld Temple appeared, but no one has succeeded in proving the truth. Even Lu Hongdao, Shen Muyun and others, who had high hopes from everyone, ended in failure.

Could it be that no one can reach the top of Alchemy Lord and Weapon Lord this time?

This is not without precedent. The last time the Netherworld Temple appeared, only Situ Yunmiao had achieved the Alchemy Way and thus achieved the title of Alchemy Lord. However, no weapon refiner had succeeded in attaining the Dao, so the position of Weapon Lord had been vacant for ten thousand years. Wuji Shengtian's weapon skills also began to decline from that time on.

Although Wuji Shengtian today claims to have six masters of the weapon path, to be honest, this is just the taller among the dwarfs. When it comes to the strength of the weapon path, Wuji Shengtian at this time is far inferior to what it was ten thousand years ago.

If the position of the Lord of Weapons is vacant again this time, Wuji Shengtian's Way of Weapon Technique will undoubtedly completely decline. If the position of Alchemy Lord is also vacant, the Way of Alchemy Technique will of course also decline.

By then, the strength of each sect will naturally not advance but retreat. What will they do to deal with the catastrophe of annihilation?

"The Netherworld Temple has not disappeared yet, so you don't have to worry too much. Just wait and see." Seeing the worry on everyone's faces, in the center of the crowd, an old man with a slender face and a Taoist fairy air spoke up.

"Lord Alchemy Lord, what you said makes sense! We, the Wuji Holy Heaven, have outstanding people and spirits. Talents have emerged in large numbers since ancient times. As long as the Netherworld Temple has not disappeared, there will be people who will attain the great path and ascend to the position of Lord Alchemy Lord." As soon as the old man's voice fell, someone immediately appeared. echoed.

"Even if no one attains the Great Dao in the end, as long as Mr. Situ Dan is still here, I, Wuji Holy Heaven, may not be able to overcome the difficulties and resolve the disaster." Someone else said loudly, looking at the old man with eyes full of admiration.

Yes, that old man is Situ Yunmiao, the current Alchemist of Wuji Holy Heaven. He is also the leader of thousands of Holy Alchemists in the world, a transcendent existence that countless Holy Masters can only look up to.

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