My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5519 5519 I can’t afford to lose that person

"You still say that!" Situ Yunmiao raised his palm in anger, but after hesitating, he put it down helplessly.

In the past, when he was annoyed by this old dragster, he could still teach him a lesson. But Situ Yunqi stole the holy elixir and ran away from home last time, and he didn't know what adventures he had. After coming back, not only did he live more energetically, stay younger and younger, but his cultivation level also improved greatly. Now it's not that easy to teach him a lesson. .

It's not that he really can't beat him, but that Situ Yunqi was already fast, and after improving his cultivation, he ran even faster. Without a hundred or two hundred moves, he really couldn't stop this old dragster. In front of so many people, how could the dignified Danjun and the eldest brother fight like flying chaos in the sky?

Situ Yunmiao felt depressed and simply turned his head away from looking at Situ Yunqi again.

Out of sight out of mind! He could only comfort himself in this way.

"Okay, okay, Yun Miao, don't be angry. I'm just used to it. I can't change it for a while." Seeing that Situ Yunmiao was really angry, Situ Yunqi patted him on the shoulder and said with a face. .

Money has been tight recently, and he even pointed out that he would steal some holy elixirs and sell them for money. He didn't want to make this precious second brother angry.

"Humph!" Situ Yunmiao snorted, and his face finally looked better.

"Tell me, what is the difference between successful enlightenment and how can you tell?" Situ Yunqi asked again.

"Brother, can't you read a book at home if you have nothing to do? Once the enlightenment is successful, visions of heaven and earth will appear. You actually ask me about things that we all know?

From now on, let alone my Situ Yunmiao’s eldest brother when I go out, I can’t afford to embarrass that person! "Situ Yunmiao said with hatred that iron cannot become steel.

"I never said it was your eldest brother. You can't frame good people." Situ Yunqi looked indignant and immediately argued.

Hearing what he said, Situ Yunmiao's face turned even darker: You really didn't say you were my eldest brother. You just said you were me. Do you really think I don't know? Fortunately, people, I, I, I... Bah!

"What is the vision of heaven and earth that you just mentioned?" Seeing that his brother didn't speak, Situ Yunmiao thought that he had been silenced by her refutation and knew that he was in the wrong. She felt even more proud and asked curiously while shaking her head.

"You'll know after a while." Situ Yunmiao didn't want to pay attention to him and said casually.

"Then what if no one succeeds in proving the truth in the end, what should I see?" Situ Yunqi said.

Situ Yunmiao remained silent, with a deep look of worry in his eyes.

If no one really succeeds in proving the Tao this time, the Alchemy Taoist Tao will decline. Once the Purple Heaven Prison barrier is completely broken, it will be difficult for Wuji Holy Heaven to survive the catastrophe!

In the distant sky, a figure flew towards Longyin Mountain. Although the person is still thousands of miles away, an invisible pressure has already enveloped the mountains.

"That's..." Everyone stopped talking and looked at the man in surprise.

The person came very fast, arriving at Longyin Mountain almost in an instant, standing in the air, looking down at the people below.

Seeing this old man, many people had doubts in their eyes, but one of them exclaimed: "Lord Holy Lord!"

Yes, this old man is the Holy Lord Tianji. He is the strongest person in the Tianji Realm and one of the three strongest experts in the Wuji Holy Sky. He is also the true master of the Tianji Realm.

What, he is the Holy King of Heaven! After hearing the old man's words, many people in the valley looked shocked.

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