Gu Fenghua first felt ecstatic in his heart, and then he became so depressed that he wanted to curse.

Although the talisman formations of the previous palace gates became more and more incomplete as time went by, there were at least nine talismans. There was finally a trace to follow. As long as she was willing to spend her energy, she could always figure out the complete structure in the end. of talisman array.

But now, it's just a rune, how do you want me to think about it?

Tao gives birth to one, two, three and three. This rune can actually produce countless talisman formations. Even gods would be dumbfounded.

Well, no one can say whether the gods will be dumbfounded or not. Anyway, the fifth lady of the Gu family could only stare at the two runes.

Runes flashed in her mind, and in just a moment, she used these two runes to form thousands of alchemy talisman arrays and thousands of weapon talisman arrays.

If he wanted to, Gu Fenghua believed that he could at least use these two runes to form tens of thousands of runes. God knows which one.

Could it be that it was based on guessing? But there are thousands of talisman formations stored in my mind, how can I guess?

I don’t know who came up with this method of enlightenment. It’s obviously a scam.

Time passed slowly, and Gu Fenghua still stared at the two extremely simple runes on the wall, unable to think of what kind of rune array should be formed to pass the test and obtain the Dao.

She didn't dare to try it easily, because the Zhuang brothers had already proven with their actual actions that once the attempt failed, they would be sent out of the Netherworld Temple. She wasn't afraid of getting hurt, but she didn't want to miss this great opportunity.

"What should we do? Tao gives birth to one, two, two, three and three, all things. Don't the people who set up this kind of test even understand this truth?" The more he thought about it, the more irritated he became. Gu Fenghua looked at the person in front of him. The Alchemy Talisman Array, a Weapon Talisman Array, I couldn't help but secretly sneer at it.

Wait, a bright light suddenly flashed in Gu Fenghua's heart.

Tao gives rise to one, one, two, three, and three gives rise to all things. Then what is before one is zero, which is nothing. Then what is nothing? Nothing is Tao, and Tao is nothing!

Got it, finally got it.

Gu Fenghua took a step forward, condensed the holy energy in his palms, and wiped away the runes on the wall.

I originally thought it would take some effort, but I didn't expect that the runes would disappear quietly with just a gentle brush of my hand from the wall. It is as if these two runes were not carved with seals but drawn with pens. They can be easily erased even without using holy energy.

At the moment when the runes were erased by Gu Fenghua, thousands of streams of light burst out at the foot of the surrounding walls and at the top of the palace. Thousands of runes flashed alternately, forming one rune array after another. There were alchemy spells in them. There are also talisman arrays and weapon talisman arrays.

The entire hall seemed to be spinning, and the talisman formations enveloped Gu Fenghua, and were deeply imprinted in her mind, so clear and profound, so profound.

It was as if these talisman arrays had been sleeping in her mind for a long time, without even having to think about them. Once awakened, the alchemy principles contained in them would be immediately clear to her mind.

This method of alchemy is so exquisite and mysterious that it completely encompasses what Gu Fenghua has learned in his life, but it is also superior to it!

This is the real way of alchemy, this is the real way of tools! Gu Fenghua was so immersed in it that he almost burst into tears with joy.

Suddenly, a refreshing fragrance hit my nose.

Gu Fenghua opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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