My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5529 5529 is not a secret to begin with

"Gu Fenghua seriously injured Duan Qingyun, Lord Qingyun's envoy, and also damaged his cultivation. Is this a good enough reason?" Tianji Shengjun said coldly, with a bit more anger in his voice.

In the past tens of thousands of years, he has rarely taken action, and once he does, there is no need for a reason. But today, he just wanted to get rid of Gu Fenghua, but someone dared to stop him and question him. However, the person who stopped and questioned him was the head of the six great weapon masters in the world. He had to give a reason.

Feeling aggrieved, the Holy Lord Tianji, who has been hailed as a peerless talent since the day he embarked on the path of cultivation, has never felt so aggrieved.

"What, she, she actually seriously injured Duan Qingyun!" Everyone in the venue was shocked when they heard the words of Tianji Shengjun.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's beautiful but young, faintly fragile and extremely pitiful face, no one could believe that she actually had such strength.

"Fenghua, did you really hurt Duan Qingyun?" Even Shen Muyun looked at Gu Fenghua in disbelief.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua nodded.

This matter was not a secret to begin with, and since she was the one who took charge, there was of course no need to hide it.

Seeing Gu Fenghua admitting so frankly, there was another exclamation in the valley.

The three Zhuang Taiping brothers looked at each other, and they could all see the shock in each other's eyes, and at the same time they were deeply grateful.

It turned out that Gu Fenghua was not only good at elixir magic, but also so powerful that even Duan Qingyun, one of the Eighteen Envoys, was injured in her hands.

Fortunately, we didn't attack them rashly in the Netherworld Temple. Otherwise, even if there were no restrictions in the temple, they would definitely die.

While they were thankful, the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, and even their backs were soaked with cold sweat.

Tianji Shengjun looked at Gu Fenghua condescendingly, with a sneer on his lips: Now that she admitted that she had seriously injured Duan Qingyun with her own hands, the matter would be easier to handle.

Shen Muyun was secretly worried: What did Gu Fenghua think? Tianji Shengjun obviously came with bad intentions. Even if you really hurt Duan Qingyun, you can't admit it so easily. As long as you don't admit it, how can he, the majestic emperor, still have a quarrel with you?

Little did he know that Gu Fenghua actually had his own ideas.

Others don't know why Tianji Shengjun came to her door, doesn't she herself know? It is false to uphold justice for Duan Qingyun, but it is true to avenge the eldest grandson Luocang. Or maybe, because he failed to take her life in the abyss, the old man felt that he had no shame and could not pass his own test, so he must put her to death no matter what.

Even if she gets through today, the Holy Lord Tianji will never give up.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves missing you. Instead of worrying about it all day long, it is better to just break up and forget it. The two parties were completely at odds with each other. Unless the Holy Lord Tianji wanted to kill her today, it would be difficult to attack her again in the future. Even if he did so in private, he would have many scruples, fearing that he might accidentally damage his holy Lord. reputation.

Of course, she also knew that Shen Muyun only thought about herself, so she couldn't embarrass him.

"However, it was not for no reason that I seriously injured Duan Qingyun. It was really the three holy sects, Bifeng Sect, Changqing Sect, and Cangyun Sect, that bullied people too much." The topic changed and Gu Fenghua continued.

"Oh? I wonder how these three holy sects deceived you?" Shen Muyun was anxious. After hearing what Gu Fenghua said, he immediately asked without losing the opportunity.

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