"We, the Burning Heaven Sect, have finally managed to repel the three holy sects and preserve the little wealth that the ancestors have worked so hard to save. However, we did not expect that Duan Qingyun, as a dignified envoy, would not go out of his way to stand up for the three holy sects. They are looking for clues and want to put me, the Fentian Sect, to death.

Fortunately, the ancestors of the past generations worked hard to build a sect-protecting formation and create a sect-suppressing artifact. Otherwise, our Burning Sky Sect would have made the same mistakes and be destroyed overnight in that battle. But even so, our Burning Heaven Sect...also..." Seeing the excitement in the valley, Gu Fenghua said while the iron was hot.

She did not continue what she said, but just by looking at the tears in her eyes that were yet to drop but were even more sad, one knew that the Burning Heaven Sect must have suffered heavy losses, even more than when they dealt with the three holy sects before.

Of course, this is also a normal thing. The dignified envoy is not comparable to the three holy sects. If he doesn't take action, it will be thunderous. Even if the Burning Sky Sect has a sect-protecting formation and a sect-suppressing artifact, it will be difficult for them to escape unscathed from their superiors. In fact, losing both sides is already the best outcome.

"How can your Majesty be so indifferent to right from wrong!"

"As an envoy, it is your duty to maintain peace in the world. Duan Qingyun doesn't punish the sects under him. Instead, he actually acts as an accomplice. It is simply a shame for the envoy."

"Duan Qingyun has always guarded his shortcomings and allowed his disciples to commit crimes. Even if he is seriously injured at the hands of Sect Leader Gu, he is to blame himself!" The Holy Alchemy Master and Refiner in the field was filled with indignation again.

Others are afraid of Duan Qingyun, but these holy alchemy masters and weapon refiners have a transcendent status, and more than two-thirds are from Xuanji Realm and Lingji Realm, but they are not afraid of Duan Qingyun.

Sold miserably again, sold miserably again! Among the crowd, Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and others were sweating profusely.

Relying on that concentrated sword, they successfully formed a holy realm. There was really no danger in dealing with Duan Qingyun, but when Gu Fenghua said this, they seemed to have suffered a big loss.

Facts have proved that Gu Fenghua's misfortune was very successful, even more successful than she imagined.

"Lord Holy Lord, this matter was originally caused by Bifeng Sect and other three major Holy Sects taking advantage of their power to bully others. Qingyun Lord made no distinction between right and wrong and was at fault later. I really can't blame the Fentian Sect, let alone Sect Master Gu. If we must punish Gu for this Feng Hua, I'm afraid everyone in the world won't accept it!" This time, before Shen Muyun could speak, Lu Hongdao stepped forward and said.

Hearing that not only Shen Muyun and other weapon masters, but also Lu Hongdao, the famous alchemy master, spoke for Gu Fenghua, Tianji Shengjun's face became even darker.

I thought that it would be easy for me to personally come forward and kill Gu Fenghua, and absolutely no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks, but I did not expect that this little girl was young, not only had good cultivation, but also had such connections.

If she can't get rid of it today, her reputation will be greatly affected, and this girl is afraid that if she wants to become famous in one fell swoop, it will be even more difficult for her to take action in the future.

The majestic sage just wanted to kill someone. When did he become so constrained? The more Tianji Shengjun thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. The murderous intent in his eyes became more and more fierce, and an invisible pressure once again enveloped the valley.

The other Holy Alchemy Masters and Refiners originally wanted to intercede for Gu Fenghua, but when they felt the strong killing intent and pressure from the Holy Lord Tianji, they couldn't say a single word.

"Yun Miao, you must help her. At worst, I won't call you Er Er from now on." Situ Yunqi gathered his energy to transmit the message and said anxiously to Situ Yun Miao.

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