My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5534 5534 What shocked them even more

Just when they hesitated for a moment, a palm shadow was already like a river hanging in the sky, with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, shrouding Gu Fenghua down.

The tyrannical holy energy poured out, and there was a deafening roar in the air, like thunder falling to the ground, and like a stormy wave crashing on the shore!

"Be careful!" Yuan Daoling, Weng Yuanming and others exclaimed in unison. They wanted to take action, but their chests were stagnated by the invisible power, and even the holy energy could not circulate.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Lord Tianji was so murderous this time. It seemed that Gu Fenghua could not escape death after all! However, Tianji Sage clearly knew that the three holy sects brought it upon themselves, and that Duan Qingyun also brought it upon himself. Although it was not explained why Changsun Luocang had a grudge against Gu Fenghua, it was precisely because he did not explain that he should not take action easily!

As a holy king, how could he be so indifferent to right from wrong and so domineering!

Looking at Gu Fenghua's graceful figure, everyone was filled with indignation.

But it's a pity that righteous indignation can't save anyone. Even Yuan Daoling and others were suppressed by the powerful pressure of Tianji Holy Lord and were unable to take action, let alone others. So besides their righteous indignation, they are more compassionate.

"One sword, cut off the great wilderness!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua shouted loudly, and the long sword wrapped in silk cloth was slashed out heavily.

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

Among the crowd, sword lights suddenly shot out. Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou and others took action at the same time, and golden holy beads appeared between their eyebrows.

"Emperor Saint Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade!" The crowd couldn't help but exclaim again.

They were not too surprised to see Gu Fenghua's ninth-level cultivation. Regardless of whether the eldest grandson Luocang was killed by Gu Fenghua or not, and whether there was any hidden secret, Duan Qingyun was seriously injured in her hands, but it was an indisputable strength, and even she herself did not deny it. If he didn't have enough amazing strength, how could Gu Fenghua have severely damaged him?

Although Wuji Shengtian's aura of heaven and earth has become increasingly thin over the years, talents still emerge in large numbers. Every few thousand or ten thousand years, there will always be young and powerful people with amazing talents and talents. One more Gu Fenghua is not completely unacceptable. .

However, Gu Fenghua is just one person, and the cultivation of these other young people is actually so strong. When did Wuji Shengtian's talented people become so worthless?

What shocked them even more was that under the powerful pressure of Tianji Holy Lord, even the powerful seniors from the major holy sects were unable to take action, but these young people seemed to be completely unaffected. How could this be possible? ?

Not to mention others, even Luo Enen and others themselves were surprised.

Of course, they also felt the powerful pressure of Tianji Holy Lord. They felt that the holy energy in their bodies seemed to be frozen and it was difficult to circulate. They thought that even if they reluctantly took action, they would not be able to display their true strength. However, when the sword was unsheathed, they found that they His strength was not affected at all.

Could it be because of the sanctuary? Several people had such speculations at the same time, but quickly rejected them. Just draw the sword, and the sword that focuses your concentration has not been used yet, so where is the holy realm?

Luo Enen and others were looking at the Holy Lord Tianji, but looking at Gu Fenghua from the corner of their eyes, their eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time, mysterious light patterns circulated on Gu Fenghua's body, and a mysterious aura contained within them. Following Gu Fenghua's spiritual thoughts, they connected them together.

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