My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5538 5538 The vision of heaven and earth is so vast

After all, holy alchemy masters and weapon refiners are actually holy masters. The root of the Holy Spirit can be divided into five elements. Holy energy is used as the basis to activate the aura of heaven and earth to condense the fire of elixirs and firearms. Of course, there are also five elements. Since there are five elements, no matter how much holy elixir is refined, it will never be able to cross the limits of the great avenue of heaven and earth.

However, the True Flame of Taixu is said to come from the void of the universe beyond the Nine Heavens. If it does not jump out of the Five Elements for the third time, it will not be bound by the great avenues of heaven and earth. By condensing the fire of the elixir and weapon, not only can the refining of the holy elixir be twice the result with half the effort, but it can even be used to refine the holy elixir and the artifact that transcend the avenues of heaven and earth.

But legends are just legends after all. Throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone getting Taixu True Flame, and even the Alchemy Lords of all generations have never had such an opportunity.

This is Taixu True Flame! Gu Fenghua's eyes suddenly lit up. Of course she had also heard of the legend of Taixu True Flame, but she once thought that it was just a legend, or the beautiful fantasies and fabrications of the world. However, she did not expect that there really was Taixu True Flame in this world, and it appeared on her body.

It turns out that this is the biggest secret hidden in the Netherworld Temple, and it is also the biggest opportunity after truly attaining the Great Dao.

"I understand, it turns out it's the Taixu True Flame!" Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and others murmured to themselves, all suddenly realizing it.

They finally realized that the reason why they had broken through the supreme pressure of Tianji Holy Lord before was because of the Taixu True Flame.

If the guess is correct, the mysterious power condensed in the sea of ​​​​qi after careful consideration in the Netherworld Temple also comes from this Taixu True Flame.

The ethereal flame burned and gradually disappeared between Gu Fenghua's brows. Gu Fenghua took a deep breath, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and walked towards the outside of the temple.

"Thank you all seniors for speaking up. I am grateful..." As she walked away, she bowed and thanked Shangguan Haofei and others.

Although she managed to block the fatal blow from the Holy Lord Tianji with the help of the Taixu True Flame, Gu Fenghua knew very well that the old man was determined to get rid of her quickly, and even with the Taixu True Flame, he couldn't resist it for long. After all, the greatest use of Taixu True Flame is to refine elixirs and weapons, not to fight against people.

The Holy Lord Tianji finally left angrily, but it was actually because of Shangguan Haochen and others.

Before Gu Fenghua finished speaking, he got another fierce meal.

Just as she stepped out of the temple, the Netherworld Temple was filled with divine light. The divine light converged and condensed, forming an extremely huge and ancient alchemy furnace, suspended between heaven and earth, and even covering the entire Longyin Mountain.

"Danjun, Danjun!"

"I pay my respects to Lord Dan!" There was dead silence in the crowd, but after a brief surprise, a burst of thunderous cheers broke out.

Such a scene is not the vision of heaven and earth that leads to the attainment of the Alchemy Way! Alchemy Lord, after Situ Yunmiao, another Alchemy Lord appears!

"The alchemy method has not disappeared, the alchemy path has not been exhausted, and the heaven will not perish, I am the Wuji Holy Heaven!" Some people shouted loudly.

At this moment, all the holy alchemists were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and some even couldn't help but bend down on the ground and bowed to Gu Fenghua as a junior.

"Masters, there is no need to be polite. Get up quickly." Gu Fenghua quickly extended his hand to support them and said to them.

Such a result had actually been expected by her, but she did not expect that the vision of heaven and earth would be so powerful, let alone that these holy alchemists would be so excited. Gu Fenghua almost broke out in a cold sweat when he saw an old man with a white beard and a bright head lying on the ground saluting him.

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