My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5540 Isn’t this what 5540 has been waiting for?

He let out a sigh of relief, and a cold murderous intention flashed through the eyes of the Holy Lord Tianji.

"My subordinate understands." The man in gray robe saw the murderous intention in his eyes and said knowingly, then his figure flashed and disappeared from sight.

After a long time, the huge alchemy furnace and divine sword quietly disappeared in mid-air, the Netherworld Temple also turned into a shadow, and calm returned to the valley again.

"Thank you all seniors for helping me, I am very grateful to you." Gu Fenghua took a few steps forward and said to Mo Qingqiu, Shangguan Haochen and others.

"Fenghua, you are now both the Alchemy Lord and the Weapon Lord. If you call me junior, you will disappoint us." Mo Qingqiu laughed loudly, looking at Gu Fenghua with eyes filled with joy.

Although he had high hopes for Gu Fenghua, he did not expect that she would grow up so fast. In just a few years after leaving the Xuanji Realm, she not only had the cultivation level of the mid-ninth-grade Emperor Saint, but also successfully attained enlightenment at the same time. Accomplish the name of Alchemy Lord and Instrument Lord.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, has come all the way. We, the Burning Heaven Sect, were not able to greet you. I hope you will forgive me for being rude. I have ordered people to prepare a banquet, and I hope that you, Your Majesty, will not find it objectionable." Yuan Daoling stepped forward at this time. He said to Mo Qingqiu and others with a happy face.

The master of the sect has achieved the reputation of Alchemy Lord and Weapon Lord, and the Burning Sky Sect has become famous in one fell swoop. If all the Lords and Envoys come to support him, his rise to the sky will be just around the corner.

As the saying goes, if one person attains Taoism, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven, by that time, the Shengyuan Sect will surely become the most popular sect in the Wuji Holy Heaven after the Burning Sky Sect. Yuandaoling has worked hard all his life and has been waiting for this day.

He was half-forced and half-coaxed by Ye Yunji and Gu Fenghua to join the Burning Heaven Sect. After thinking about it, he was still somewhat reluctant in his heart. Only then did he realize how wise and how wise his original decision was. of far-sightedness.

"I've heard about the Burning Heaven Sect for a long time, so I just happened to go and observe it today." Mo Qingqiu and others said cheerfully.

Of course they saw Yuandaoling's intention, but a big reason for coming to Longyin Mountain this time was to ask the Burning Heaven Sect to help refine the formation disk. Since you have something to ask for, it is only right to help Burning Heaven Sect grow in face.

Besides, they either regard Gu Fenghua as a junior, or they owe Gu Fenghua a lot of favors. Why not do it if they can help Gu Fenghua and the Burning Sky Sect to build up their reputation.

"My lords, wait a moment. According to the usual practice, when Sect Master Gu has attained the Great Dao, he should first discuss the Dao for three days, answer questions for the alchemy masters and weapon masters, and help the guests from all over the world to refine some holy elixir magic weapons." Situ Yunmiao Then he spoke.

"Yes, I forgot about it." Shangguan Haochen nodded and said.

"Is there such a thing?" Gu Fenghua didn't know this convention and looked at everyone with some confusion.

"Feng Hua, the Alchemy Master is indeed responsible for passing on the Alchemy Art. Now that Wuji Holy Heaven is in crisis, it relies more on the Alchemy Way. As the new Alchemy Master, you have no shirking responsibility." Mo Qingqiu Said seriously.

"I understand, why don't we say goodbye for three days, let's say ten days." Gu Fenghua thought for a while and said.

The crisis in Purple Heaven Prison is not only related to the safety of Wuji Holy Heaven, but also related to the life and death of Tianji Continent. She originally wanted to do something within her power. In the past, she suffered from lack of strength and could not do much, but now not only She was promoted to the ninth level of Emperor Saint in cultivation and obtained the second level of alchemy. Of course she would not refuse.

If the world is peaceful, it would be enough to spend three days answering everyone's questions and refining some holy elixirs for show. But now that the world is uneasy and full of crises, if you can do more, then try to do as much as possible. Force it.

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