"Great Elder, like me, they are also from the Tianji Continent. How could they be despicable villains of the Dark Witch Clan?" Song Yu'an seemed to have no choice but to do anything to the old woman, rubbing his forehead and said.

"It turns out that he is from Tianji Continent. He is definitely not from the Dark Witch Clan. I, Jiang Liangshi, the second elder of the Holy Witch Valley, misunderstood you all before. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" After hearing Song Yu'an's words, the loyal second elder quickly apologized to Gu Fenghua. .

"Elder Jiang is serious, junior Gu Fenghua, these are my friends, Zhong Lingxiu, Luo Enen, Fang Muyun..." Gu Fenghua said politely and introduced everyone around him.

"Who said that people from the Tianji Continent are not members of the Dark Witch Clan? It is said that knowing a person's face but not the heart, it is difficult to paint the skin of a tiger but the bones. How do you know that they have not been bribed by the Dark Witch Clan and are not assassins sent by them?" Then However, the old woman still stared at Gu Fenghua and the others with her old hen eyes.

"Um... Great Elder, are you a little too careful?" Seeing that the old woman had identified Gu Fenghua and others as having evil intentions, Jiang Liangshi was a little confused.

"Be careful with the ten thousand year ship. Have you forgotten the lessons learned in the past and how Ziwei died?" The old woman suddenly raised her voice and screamed like an old hen being grabbed by the neck, but there was something in her eyes. There were clearly tears shining through.

The smile on Jiang Liangshi's face suddenly stopped and he fell silent. The others also looked sad. Looking at Gu Fenghua and others, there was a bit of doubt in their eyes.

Gu Fenghua saw that the old woman was extreme, stubborn and completely unreasonable. He was a little bored at first, but when he saw her old face twisted with grief and anger, and the tears in her eyes, his heart felt inexplicably soft. He didn't care so much about the suspicious looks from everyone.

"Great Elder, Fenghua and the others saved my life. I believe them. Heaven and earth are proof. If they really have evil intentions towards Holy Witch Valley, I am willing to suffer thousands of calamities from heaven and earth and suffer the sufferings of six reincarnations." Song Yu'an He was a little angry at first, but after hearing the old woman's words, his expression softened, but what he said was irrefutable.

As soon as he finished speaking, a colorful glow emerged from the undulating mountains surrounding the valley, gathering in the sky, waving down towards the valley, and converging on Song Yu'an.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the glow disappeared and everything returned to its original state. But Gu Fenghua and others had a strange feeling. When the glow appeared, the surrounding undulating mountains and rivers seemed to be alive.

The oath of heaven and earth! Gu Fenghua immediately realized that this was an oath made by heaven and earth.

This was not the first time she had seen the Oath of Heaven and Earth, but such a powerful Oath of Heaven and Earth was something she had never seen before, or even heard of.

"Holy Lady, how could you make such a strong oath for a few unrelated people?" The old woman was stunned for a moment, then slammed her crutch to the ground and said sadly.

"I said, they are not irrelevant people, but my best friends. I believe them." Song Yu'an said calmly.

"Huh!" The old woman was obviously very angry with Song Yu'an, so she snorted coldly and turned around and left.

"The First Elder suffered a huge blow back then, so he is inevitably a bit paranoid. I hope that the Holy Lady will forgive me." Looking at the old woman's leaving figure, the Second Elder Jiang Liangshi sighed and apologized to Song Yu'an on her behalf.

"I know, and I won't blame her." Song Yu'an shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.

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